Saturday, August 27, 2011

Daddy time

                                            Me with my milk face coma!

I'm still doing amazingly great without my oxygen.  In fact, I'm doing better without it than I was doing with it.  Mama & Daddy are a bit confused by this, but I'm just growing up & growing more lung tissue - quite the arduous task.  The only tube remaining is the one in my nose that the nurses use to put Mama's breastmilk into my tummy.  I'm a bit reluctant to give that one up since it's so nice to be able to sleep while I'm being fed.  It takes way too much energy to take a bottle or learn to breastfeed!

In other news, I'm over 6 pounds now!  6lbs2oz to be exact.  Mama can't believe that I already don't fit into some of the preemie clothes, and a little frustrated because she spent a lot of money on them to make me look so cute.  However, I think she's pretty silly for buying the clothes in the first place. I could have told her that I would only be able to wear them once or twice before I grew out of them. But, she just likes to shop & dress me up...something I think I'll just have to get used to!

Today I spent a lot of time with Daddy.  He gave me my bath, which I really enjoyed. And then he gave me my bottle.  Though this isn't my forte quite yet, I sure did enjoy the skin-skin care that we did once I passed out in a milk coma. He teaches me a lot of things everytime he holds me.  I'm trying to absorb it all, but he may need to repeat a few things when I'm a bit older!

1 comment:

  1. I am "wowed", very impressed! Declan is so precious and looks wonderful, more big baby than expected at this time. He's out to impress us all! Love to him and his parents. Gran of Declan
