Tuesday, August 16, 2011

August 15 - 34 1/2 weeks

Hi everybody!

I'm 5 pounds today! Hooray for me. I just love Mama's milk - it helps me grow big and strong.

Today I had a Chest xray & a cardiac echo (ultrasound) to check up on my heart & lungs. Everything looked pretty good. A bit of extra fluid in my lungs which is part of being a preemie - so they're giving me a diuretic to get rid of it. My ductus arteriosus (a little blood vessel that connects my pulmonary artery to my aorta that is supposed to close when I'm born) is still open, but we kind of knew that already since they can still hear my little heart murmur. It's really common for we preemies to have this issue and we're hoping that it closes all by itself over the next few months.

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