Sunday, August 14, 2011

August 14, 2011

Many things have happened in the past several days. First of all, I got a new crib! I'm out of my spaceship bed and into a normal small crib. I kind of miss all the bells and whistles of my spaceship bed, but I do like the quiet of the new digs. Mostly, Mama & Daddy appreciate the additional room that they have to spread out when they come to visit me every day. I'm also off my caffeine - while I miss my morning espresso, Mama & Daddy are very happy that I am doing well without it. The caffeine was to help my central nervous system send appropriate signals to my lungs to remember to breathe. Preemies have a problem remembering to breathe, and I am no exception! Caffeine is routinely given to stimulate this pathway. I have been breathing well without my caffeine for 3 days now! I'm still on 1 Liter of oxygen/minute - Mama & Daddy are so happy that I have tolerated the decrease from 2 to 1 liters. The main thing I continue to work on is my breast and bottle feedings. I am definitely capable of taking full bottles, but I really like to sleep A LOT! I just can't seem to stay awake during my feeds...even though Mama is mean to me and tries to keep me awake! The doctors tell Mama & Daddy that this is normal and that eventually I will be more alert during my feeds. I do continue to grow big & strong - there must be something good in Mommy's magical milk! I am now 4 pounds 14 ounces and I can't wait to get to the next hurdle of 5 pounds in the very near future! I am developing quite the Buddha belly!
My Grandad & Boppy came to visit yesterday. So, now I have met all my grandparents.

Mama holding me. Granddad & Boppy think I'm pretty cool!

See my Buddah belly? This is me when I'm supposed to be nursing. Mama was so mean that she took off my clothes & blankets and held me upright so that I would wake up to nurse. But, I fooled her! I proved that I can sleep anytime under any conditions!

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