Monday, October 31, 2011

Gran Time

My Gran was accidentally present at my birth.  She had planned a trip to visit Mama and Daddy for a long time to help out while Mama was pregnant.  Since she was already in town for a visit, I decided it was time to finally break loose of my womb and conquer the world!  So, just hours after she landed, I was born.  The good thing is that she was able to help Mama readjust to life outside the hospital, and to make some fabulous meals.  The bad thing is that she wasn't able to come back for a visit until now.

She can hardly believe the transformation that I have made in these past few months!  I'm 11pounds 3 ounces now.  I can hold my head up (most of the time...when I'm tired, I forget that I have a head), and this week I have figured out how to focus my eyes and follow objects, especially Mama's face. 

This is the first time Gran has been able to hold me since I was too little for anyone other than Mama and Daddy to hold me just after I was born.  Gran has been helping Mama in so many ways - even waking up in the middle of the night to help feed me so Mama can get a few more hours of sleep.  She's here for a few weeks while Daddy is away on a business (ie. hunting) trip, so I'm really having fun getting to know her.  I'm also inaugurating her with some of my awesome burps and other "gaseous elements".   She has three other grandchildren (my cousins), but they are all girls.  So, I'm looking forward to teaching her about "snakes, and snails, and puppy dogs' tails", instead of "sugar, and spice, and everything nice!".

  Happy Halloween!

                                                 Sister Fauna loves my bassinette

1 comment:

  1. Declan,
    Thank you for the opportunity to help your wonderful Mom and get to know you! Your handsome, strong, loving and inspirational, you are making the world a better place, already! Love, Gran
