Monday, October 24, 2011

The Presentation of Hercules

After a total of 6 months of Mama and/or myself being in the hospital, we were due for a bit of a celebration.

Mama never had a baby shower with her friends before I was born, for obvious reasons, so Mama and Daddy wanted to have some kind of party after I was born instead.  They thought of having a post-baby shower, but that didn't sound quite right.  Instead, they had the idea to host a dinner party for all of our friends and family who supported and loved us all throughout this past year.  What started as a small dinner party grew exponentially over the planning process, and boy was it worth it!  With the help of a party planner, Mama & Daddy threw me an amazing Welcome Party!

50 of our closest friends and family were in attendence. People traveled from and wide to attend my "presentation." Indeed, people flew it from from Calgary, Boston, New York, DC, Phoenix, and Denver!  As the delivery trucks kept arriving, our neighbors got pretty curious too, and a few of them even crashed the party.  We had 8 foot tall stone columns, multiple Greek statues in the back yard, and even an outdoor lounge complete with a fire-pit for roasting smores.

The alcohol was plentiful, and Daddy's friends did a great job of stashing extra for later!  The food was abundant complete with kebabs and Greek salads.  The music was fun and set a festive atmosphere.  But, most of all, our friends and family made it the most memorable night of my life!  Each of them was dressed to the 9's in their finest Greek togas (again puzzling our neighbors).  Obviously Zeus and Alcmene were there (my parents), but we also had (among many others!)  my Grandparents (Electryon, Anaxo, and Rhea), Uncle Lysidece & Aunt Perimede, Artemis*2, Chronos, Icarus, Daedalus, Nebulous, Poseidon*2, Atlas*2, King Leonides, Agamemnon, Hermes*3, one awesome Medusa (and one transgendered Medusa), Athena, Hades, Persephone, Achilles, a creative Otter (from Animal House),  Pan, and the most creative costume, Chris the Minotaur! 

My scariest moment of the evening (but it was hailed by all others present as the best event of the evening), was being presented to the whole group!  From Mama and Daddy's perspective, I was dressed in my awesome Hercules costume, replete with lion skin headdress, and I was presented on my golden shield cradle for the whole group to see for the first time.  From my perspective (and the perspective of curious neighbors looking down on this weird gathering), I was nearly naked with a weird mask on my head, and placed on a golden platter as Mama and Daddy walked into the center of a large group of weird looking people in togas, standing near a fire pit!  I wasn't quite sure what to make of this, but after Mama picked me up, I quieted down and really enjoyed meeting all our friends for the first time.

Our friends partied with Mama and Daddy until the wee hours of the morning.  What an amazing celebration of my life, and the health of my Mama!  Thank you to everyone who came to help us celebrate!

Here is a link to the complete Snapfish digital album for those who want to see lots of pics:

Otherwise, here are a select few so you can get the sense of the atmostphere:

                                          Getting all set up for the party...

Aunt Perimede, Uncle Lysidece, Zeus, Alcmene, Grammie Anaxo, Grandpa Electryon

                                            Chronos (Daniel)  & Icarus (Joe)

 Daedalus (Cody), Nausicaa (Kristine),  Otter (Joel), Athena (Taylor), Bacchus (Rich), and Alcmene (Mama)

  Atlas (Mark), Icarus (Joe), Joseph of Aragon (Michael), Athena (Yonnie), Athena (Lydia)

         Chronos (Daniel), Hermes (Brian), and Poseidon (Barclay)

Hermes (Victoria), Agamemnon (Bunmi), and Medusa (Megan)
                                           King Leonides (Jason), and Zeus (Daddy)

C12 + Minotaur (Chris)
           Boyar & Elaine provided multi-cultural enrichment, Nebulous (Dave), and Artemis (Nancy)
                                             Alcmene (Mama), and Persephone (Cara)

                  Rhea, Mother of Zeus, and Hermes (...a nice little shop on Bond Street, Victoria)

                                       Carol, Brad, Zeus (Daddy), Rich & Taylor

                                             Relaxing by the firepit

The Presentation of Hercules!
Aren't I Handsome, and fierce with my snake???

Most creative costume, the Minotaur

Everyone having a great time

                                                                    The aftermath

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