Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Mount Olympus is Awesome!

So, now I've been home for one whole week, and this place is pretty cool! 
When I was still in the hospital, Mama and Daddy kept telling me how many fun and exciting things awaited me at home, but I wasn't sure if I should believe them.  But now I see they were right!  I have an awesome nursery with a safari theme, complete with art that Mama & Daddy bought when they were in Africa last year.  I have a ridiculously cool MamaRoo motion chair that helps me relax...I sit in this thing almost every night when Mama & Daddy are eating dinner.  I also have an awesome stroller courtesy of my Great Grammie, and about 6 different carriers that Mama & Daddy can strap me in if we want to go out for a walk!  There are almost too many choices!  I've already been out to lunch at a neat Mexican restaurant...I can't wait until I can try the food! And, I've been to the Oxbow market, Whole Foods twice, a very large liquor store that I won't enjoy for 21 years, Home Depot (where I learned all about how a buzz saw operates courtesy of a very confused employee), and Sky Line Park where we took a 4 mile hike overlooking Napa Valley. 

Mama & Daddy are so proud of me right now because I've been practicing my eating a lot and I'm doing pretty well.  I went from taking about 40-50% of my calories from a bottle, and the rest down my feeding tube one week ago,  to now taking about 80-90% of my calories from a bottle.  All in the span of one week!  I still have a little ways to go before this darn tube can come out of my nose, but I'm getting close!

In addition to my amazing progress with feeding, I also learned a new trick...peeing on my own face!  This takes quite some talent and amazingly precise aim...I told Mama that I've got more tricks where that came from, so she better be prepared next time!  Unfortunately (or fortunately for me so the photo doesn't show up in my wedding slideshow some day), there are no photos of this amazing feat of mine! 

                                           On a hike in Skyline Park

                                                            My first time seeing deer

                  Mama holding me in bed with the two kitties!  They think my feeding tube is for their personal enjoyment and bat it around whenever they can.
                                                                 My first bath at home

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