Friday, October 7, 2011

Snake in the Cradle

Today marks two weeks since from my original due date, 13 weeks since I was actually born.

As I mentioned in my last blog post, I have been working diligently on my feeding strategies and have been getting better and better.  My daddy designed a ridiculously detailed (and somewhat nerdy) spreadsheet to log each and every feeding, which helps us calculate exactly whether or not I am reaching my caloric goal each day.  After careful analysis of this spreadsheet, it became obvious that I was rapidly improving my feeding abilities; indeed, I have been taken over 100% of my daily requirement by bottle for 3 days straight. 

Nevertheless...Mama and Daddy were still cautious about removing my feeding tube because they don't want to put it back if I had some rough days.

Candidly, I think that was somewhat cowardly of them.  So, since my prior actions of sucking down my bottles wasn't enough to mobilize Mama & Daddy,  I took matters into my own hands (literally) this morning. 

When Mama & Daddy peeked into my basinette this morning, there was a slimy "snake" in my bed.  I was fiercely gripping my feeding tube in my hand, tape and all...and had a triumphant grin on my face!  I did it!  No more tube! I had killed the snake.

Just as the great Hercules broke the neck of the snake that Hera sent into his cradle to kill the infant demi-god, I have conquered my own "snake"! 

                                                              This is me last night!

                                                           This is me this morning!

                                        ...And this is me a few seconds after the prior picture

                                                          I win!  Take that, evil snake!


  1. What a brave and strong young man. You continue to live up to your reputation and earn you name. All my love, Gran
