Sunday, November 13, 2011

The finer things in life...

Hi everyone -

Sorry it's been so long since my last blog post.  Things were a little busy at home, especially with Daddy gone for two weeks. But now, he's back and Mama has a little more time to help transcribe my blog for me.

I have done so many cool things in the past few weeks, and have lots of good photos to prove it.   I've now been to TWO Michelin starred restaurants!  Auberge du Soleil in Napa, which is where Mama & Daddy got engaged.  I went there with Mama & Miss Cara for an awesome lunch and I was on my best behavior.  Then this week, we went to Chez Panisse in Berkeley.  Mama and Daddy have told me all about Alice Waters and I can't wait until I'm allowed to help Mama cook from her cookbook someday.  We met our friends Libby & Mike there to celebrate their wedding.  Mama says that the food was amazing!  Fresh salad, seared black bass, pork tenderloin, cheese course, and buckwheat crepes with pears for dessert.  I actually agree...the food was amazing!  I tasted it the next day in my breast milk!  I was also on my best behavior that night too, and took my bottles without screaming.  Mama has now told Daddy that they need to go to dinner at fancy restaurants every night, just so that I eat my bottles without fussing! 

                                                   At Chez Panisse

 My best "little dude" outfit - like my sweater vest?
And this is Mama, Daddy & me, with our friends Mike & Libby at Chez Panisse

 Me with Bill & Cara at Pine Ridge Winery

This is me at dawn with the first rays coming thru the window

 Daddy feeding me by our fireplace on a rainy evening

Mama and Daddy have also taken me to the Oxbow Public Market several times, and we finally remembered the camera.  They love going there to get the freshest food for dinner, and I love being admired by everyone as I ride along in my "baby SUV"!  

                                              Mama & I at Oxbow

We continued to have even more fun yesterday.  It was the first Saturday that we've had as just our nuclear family in a long time, and we decided to make a day-trip to Sonoma for lunch and wine tasting.  I'm learning all about wine now so that by the time I'm older, my palate will already be quite refined!  So, we packed up George (Mama's car), and drove over the gorgeous hills with the vines in various stages of yellows, oranges, and reds, and had lunch at a Mexican restaurant in historic Sonoma.  Then we spent some time at a park while I ate my lunch, and I saw geese for the first time!  They are pretty cool birds, and I can't wait to feed them some bread crumbs soon.  Finally, we headed up to Imagery Winery - Mama and Daddy have been members there for 10 years, but this was their first time back since they joined.  We tasted a lot of wine, and brought a lot home too.  My favorite part was that we got to walk through the vineyards afterwards, and watch the sunset over the Myacamas Range.  

Overall, I'm a lucky little dude!  I'm having so much fun with Mama and Daddy and I can't wait to see what other adventures are in store for me.


  1. Love all the photos and I can't believe how big he is!! Xo

  2. Absolutely fabulist photos. A sample of the good life on Mt Olympus. I miss you all, Love, Gran

  3. He IS looking like a linebacker!! You all look so relaxed and taking in the good life!!! Love it!
