Sunday, November 27, 2011

My First Thanksgiving

This weekend, we celebrated my first Thanksgiving.  Thursday was so special with just Mama, Daddy, and me...we slept in (at least I did my best!) and then Daddy made a yummy breakfast in bed for us.  We had a lazy day at the house, and then went out to dinner at Celadon in Napa.  You heard me right...we went OUT to eat on Thanksgiving!  Kind of crazy, though the restaurant was packed.  We were having people over on Friday, and Mama refused to cook two days in a row.  I absolutely love restaurants...the hustle and bustle just keeps me so entertained, and then at some point the white noise puts me to sleep.  This particluar restaurant also had awesome ceiling fans that I could stare at and put me in a trance.  Mama and Daddy enjoyed the food, and planned to come home and have dessert and watch a movie...but we all fell asleep as soon as we got home!  Mama and Daddy say they are turning into old people already...

Then on Friday, Bill & Cara came over for a fabulous weekend of wine and food.  Mama and Auntie Cara cooked for 9 hours from the French Laundry cookbook and produced amazing duck roulades, creamed corn, braised cabbage & leeks, morel mushroom with veal demiglace, and glazed carrots.  Auntie Cara also made a wonderful apple tarte tatin.  Oh...and we had two pounds of sushi fresh off the boat for appetizers!  I couldn't taste it all on Friday, but the aromas were wonderful, and I got a taste of it the next day in Mama's milk!   I was a good boy and was so happy that Uncle Bill wanted to hold me all day...I'm quite the cuddlebug.

Saturday we went wine tasting (again!) to Paraduxx winery, which  was a very fun experience.  They let you sit outside in comfy chairs and relax in the beautiful surroundings.  Saturday night we went out and bought my first Christmas tree.  It was so much fun!  I picked out a beautiful tree, but Mama and Daddy thought it might be a bit too big.  I protested and won the battle however, so our 9.5 foot tree is now scraping the ceiling in our living room!  I think it is magestic and it smells so wonderful.  My sisters, Flora and Fauna, like drinking the water from the tree stand...silly girls!  We don't have all the ornaments on it yet, but hopefully we will do that tonight...more pictures to come shortly.

Today, Granddad came up for a quick visit, and it was so nice to see him.  I still look just like him!

Finally, you will notice in the pictures that my feeding tube is back in place.  I have always had some problems eating because my tummy is upset a lot.  Since I'm incredibly smart and gifted, I started to realize that eating caused my upset stomachs.  So, I came up with a brilliant idea....STOP EATING!  So, I went on a hunger strike for 18 hours, which ultimately resulted in Mama replacing my tube.  Unfortunately, I didn't see that coming as a consequence of my actions.  So, for now I have the darn tube again, and it doesn't bother me too much.  I have a few appointments coming up for the doctors to try to figure out what is causing my tummy troubles, so I'm sure I'll get the tube out soon.  I will conquer the snake again!

                Uncle Bill & Aunt Cara held me all day long...suckers!!!

                                         Mama and Cara made an awesome duck dinner.

                                     Daddy & Bill assembled the sushi....I can't  wait to try my first sushi!

 Mama got us matching outfits...I find this to be ridiculous! But, I'm learning early on that sometimes you just have to go with the flow and that I get more love if I keep Mama happy!

                                            Our first holiday together as a whole family!

                                          Wine tasting at Paraduxx

                         Picking out my first Christmas tree...

                           Mama knit my cool hat (complete with ear flaps).  Also, notice my appropriate attire - I thought it looked a bit silly, but Mama insisted that I start wearing my reindeer outfit already.

         My tree "almost' fit in the house.  Notice me doing my tummy time on my boppy pillow.  If you zoom in, you can see the reindeer on my bottom...

                                                         I still look just like Granddad

                           End of the day...I have thoroughly exhausted my parents, but I'm not sleepy!


  1. These are lovely photos, maybe the best yet, Laura and I looked at the photos of Declan with Mom and Dad in all the variations. Made us feel so very happy. Declan is so important to all of us and we love him dearly. All my love Gran

  2. JOyce: I've been enjoying your posts/pics from the sidelines, but the outfits were too incredibly cute to not comment. The matching outfit cracked me up and the reindeer ensemble is adorable. Glad to see that you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Declan is already such a cultured little boy... :)
