Monday, December 5, 2011

Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells

After 7 days of attempting to get our extra large tree straight (including the hiring of some helpers),  we were finally able to decorate my tree this weekend. 

We all went out to sushi on Friday night - yummy!  I still love going to restaurants and get my best sleep in while we're out.  Then we came home, and played Christmas carols on the speaker system.  Mama and Daddy had some port and we decorated the tree.  Mama is so creative - this year she bought big pointettia flowers to put in the tree.  I had a great time seeing all the ornaments that Mama and Daddy have collected throughout the years.  We have three new ornaments this year so far to commemorate.....ME!  Hooray!  The tree is beautiful and I love just staring at the lights.  Lights and ceiling fans are so captivating!

Saturday we went to lunch at our favorite local Mexican place, Taqueria Maria.  Then we came home and decorated the outside of the house.  Daddy got up on the roof and hung some pretty icicle lights, and Mama worked at decorating the yard with some pretty branches that light up.  I was a really good boy during this whole time.  First I took a nap on the floor of the car since it was parked in the driveway.  And then when I woke up, I played on my blanket on the front lawn.  Our neighbors all thought I was so cute in my little elf outfit! 

Saturday night, our friends Barclay and Jason come over for Steak & Guns night.  This is a tradition since we moved to Napa, where we have steak on Saturday night and then the boys go out shooting trap at the range on Sunday morning.  Mama wouldn't let me go this time and says I need to be *much* older before I'm allowed to do this...though I'm skeptical (for good reason) that she'll ever let me go to the range! 

  I started in the middle of this mat...but I'm figuring out how to scoot (only backwards though). In hindsight, I should have stayed where Mama put me...the carpet is much softer!

                Putting up the lights on MY tree....and helping Mama pick out the ornaments

                                                               Isn't our tree pretty?

Our new ornaments for 2011
                                                                     Careful Daddy!

  This is where I hung out while Mama & Daddy were decorating the outside of the house!

                            My best elf outfit! (Seriously, this clothing thing is getting ridiculous!)

              Jason is a pretty cool dude!  I can't wait to learn more about physics and batteries from him!

                           Jason, Barclay, Mama & I enjoying our firepit in the backyard

                                  Barclay is cool too!  He's going to teach me how to chase girls in a few years...

                                           Jason, Barclay & Daddy at the shooting range.


  1. Where do I start? Oh my, what amazing photos, albeit a few were a little surprising. I love that you,re already raising a flexible child- why not sleep on the floor of the car, just be aware of his independence! Time to push on the gas! I love the elf outfit, i want to hug that little elf. He is early missed. We must schedule my next care taking time. Loads of lve from Gran!

  2. Mmm... steak and guns...

    Great blog! I look forward to meeting this young man in person someday. I've always wanted to meet a demigod

  3. Looking forward to meeting the big man Hercules Declan!! And telling Joyce one of my inappropriate am rounds stories :0)))))))

  4. The tree looks like it should be in a catalog. Beautiful! And what can I say about the elf gear? Adorable...
