Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The City and the Mountains

Wow!  Where to begin?   This weekend was absolutely amazing, exhausting, exhilarating, and intriguing.  If this is representative of what grown-ups do, then I cannot wait to be a grown-up! 

It all started last Thursday with Daddy's company Christmas party.  All 23 of his employees and most of their significant others showed up at the Sir Francis Drake Hotel in San Francisco for a really nice dinner (and open bar!).  I was the only little person there, and I was the hit of the show.  I had on a new (and my best) little dude outfit (see below).  Mama handed me to one of the ladies at 6:30pm, and had to find me at the end of the night close to midnight.  I had basically been loved by every woman (and some men) in the room for the entire evening.   We spent the night in a lovely hotel complete with room service for breakfast the next morning.

                                                         Me in my best little dude outfit!

                                                    Daddy with his whole C12 Company

                        The morning after the party.  Check out Daddy's leopard print robe!

                                                     Just chillin' with Mama in bed...

Straight from San Francisco we went to Tahoe.  It was my first time seeing our cabin, and it was amazing!  Grammie & Grandpa, Uncle Ben and Aunt Aubree, and Bill & Cara were there too.  It wasn't until the last day that I was alone with Mama & Daddy.  I'm so handsome and funny that everyone just wants to be around me all the time.  I have been practicing for quite some time, and I am now skilled at smiling and cooing.  It took me a long time to figure it out, but I can now do things other than being silent or screaming at the top of my lungs! 

Me with Auntie Aubree

                                 I know you can't see it well, but check out my reindeer sweater!

        Getting ready to go out on a walk.  I'm not digging my snowsuit, but Mama thinks any outfit with ears makes me look even cuter!

                                                       Me with Grammie & Grandpa

                                                   Mama and I are so cute!

                     Not sure who is more tired...Grandpa was so tired that he had to put my bouncy chair up on the couch to hold my hand...then we both passed out.   Thanks Grandpa for fetching me at 6am every morning.  Mama and Daddy were so much happier and nicer to me throughout the day since they got so much sleep!  And...sorry for the spitups and poopy diapers...I'll make it up to you some day.

                            We celebrated Mama's 34th birthday in Tahoe!  She's so old now!

 Uncle Bill loves holding me and rarely shares me with anyone else.  Check out Daddy...I guess I kept him awake the night before. 

 Bill, Cara, Mama, Daddy & Me overlooking Emerald Bay.  We went on a 4 mile hike to Cascade Falls. 
                                        Cascade lake, with Lake Tahoe in the background. 

 The best bottle I've ever had...well at least the best one down my tube!  Can you blame me for not wanting to eat when I have a view like this?

 Bill, Cara, Mama & Daddy in our jacuzzi.  I can't wait to get in it next time, but it was a little hot this time.

  I'm learning to hold my head up so well.  I like it most of the time and am quite proud of myself, but other times, I like to screatch like a little mouse just to get some extra love and attention.

                                     Mama and me in Tahoe with our matching plaid outfits.

 Mama says I look like a little old man in this photo.  Maybe I'll grow into my ears someday...

So after birthday celebrations, several cool walks, fireside stories and amazing food, we came back home today.  Not too shabby to go from Tahoe to Napa!  Then, to top off the whole experience, we went to Oxbow Market tonight to see Santa Claus!  What a cool dude, though not quite as cool as myself. 

                                                               Mama and I at Oxbow

                                      The Claus Family thought I was a pretty cool dude!

                                                       One of my best little dude outfits.

 Daddy & me at the wine bar at Oxbow.  I particularly like the scent of Cremant champagne with some Mount Tam creamy goat cheese and red pepper jam.

And, finally, a bit of perspective.  What a difference 5 months makes.  Dragon doesn't seem quite as big as he used to.  I've gone up 5 diaper sizes and he hasn't grown at all, though I'm not sure why not.  I'm now a gurgley, happy, smiley, loving, cuddly, chubby little dude, and Mama and Daddy can't believe I'm the same guy as in the previous picture.  I'm now a fabulous "pear shape" with a round little tummy, which Mama tells me is only cute on babies and is distinctly less cute as people get older.  For now though, we are relishing in my pear shape and enjoying all the new things I'm learning to do.  I can't wait until next weekend...it would be hard to beat this weekend, but I'm still constantly amazed at the things we humans do!

1 comment:

  1. Declan,
    I am overjoyed to see your progress. I remember how pleased I was to leave the dragon with you in the nicu albeit rather large for the space. You are thriving so well. Your smiles in this set of photos gave me such pleasure. Love you so very much, Gran
    Ok, I am crying for joy- it is something I do!
