Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Great Grammie & Uncle Ben

Mops, Pops, Great Grammie (on Mama's side) and Uncle Ben (Mama's brother) came to visit this week.  It was actually Pop's birthday, so the family got together for lunch in Walnut Creek before they came to visit me.  Great Grammie & Uncle Ben have visited before, but this was the first time that they got to hold me.  It was really cool!  We took some fun photos, and even got to take a four-generation photo with Great Grammie.  I behaved myself the whole time too.  Mama says I'm a pretty mellow baby, but I'll prove her wrong once I come home! 

                                                  Great Grammie & me in my favorite hippo outfit

                    Uncle Ben holding me.  I can't wait until Aunt Aubree & Uncle Ben give me a cousin!

                           Pops holding me!  I was so relaxed with him.  He promised to take care of me when Mama & Grammie are out shopping...since boys don't like to shop!

                                                                  Four Generations!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome family shots. Go Grammies and the and the whole family! Love, Gran
