Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Adventures with the babysitters

Dictated to Auntie Cara Richoux!

9.24.2011    Call of the Wild

 Today I am officially a term baby!  Yesterday was my due date!  Can you imagine if my mamma had to give birth to me now? I am a far cry from 2 pounds! As with most important people, I had my own ideas and agenda, so I determined my own due date. Today I am a very healthy 8 pounds, 12 ounces, and I am ready to bust out of this NICU!

  My parents had to jet over to LA for my uncle’s wedding this weekend, and they decided that I am now big enough to be left with a babysitter!  My NICU nurses are wonderful, but my mamma is quite particular, and wasn’t quite comfortable leaving me for the day unless she could be sure that some reliable babysitters were close at hand. She needed to be sure that I would be cuddled and loved by some familiar faces, so she left me to my very loving, capable Grandma Colton and my Auntie Cara. This may have been a mistake….

 While Grandma Colton was here, we cuddled, ate, and slept. Auntie Cara came shortly after my noon feeding, and I was sound asleep. Or so it seemed. As she lifted me from my crib… sniff, sniff… Declan?!  My nurse had instructed Aunt Cara that it is really important for protein synthesis that I be allowed to get some good REM cycles in after feeding, so Aunt Cara decided that the stinkiness that she smelled was a passing breeze (hopefully!),  and she cuddled me anyway. I slept soundly for the next 1 and ½ hours, but my tummy sure didn’t sleep! Guuurrrgle, gurgggglllee, gurrrgglllllleeeeee…

  I set a record today! When I was woken from my slumber to prepare for my 3:30 feeding, the nurse had to come help Cara because when she changed my diaper, I just kept going, and going, and going, and going…4 diapers later I finally stopped so they could put on a clean diaper!  I even soiled 2 outfits! Some might say I look a *lot* like my Dad. I may have learned some other tricks from him, too! ☺

  After my nap, Aunt Cara decided that I was rested enough to begin a very important lesson. My little rested brain is like a sponge! Aunt Cara spent a lot of time thinking about what to teach me while my parents were away. There’s so much she wants to show me, but my attention span isn’t very long yet, so we needed a simple lesson to begin. What better way to start than to learn something very special that is unique to our two families ? Someday when Uncle Bill & Aunt Cara have kids, we’ll be able to find each other anywhere! Today, I learned the Call of the Wild! (i.e. the weird hippo call that Mama and Uncle Bill learned in Africa last year.)

 Observe.  The resemblance is uncanny!

 Next post coming soon...."My Arrival at Mount Olympus"

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