Monday, December 9, 2013

Thanksgiving cheers in NYC & Napa

2 weeks ago, Mama whisked me away to New York City for a long weekend of fun.  Dada was there all week finalizing a big deal for Mama and I flew out there to celebrate with him.  This was my third time to New York, but I enjoyed this time more than ever before.   Do you know how many flags are in that city?  or how many tall buildings?  or how many trains? or cars? Holy cow!  I kept counting objects until my head exploded.  Mama & Miss Serena (her friend from med school) took me to the Botanical Garden's Holiday Train Show on Friday...and I delighted in watching all the choo choos chug along through replicas of NYC buildings.  The buildings fascinated the adults, with their intricate designs using all natural botanical items...but the choo choos were there just for me!  I'm also a huge fan of ponds, waterfalls...heck, I'm a fan of anything with water, so there were plenty of water features to keep me entertained as well (even a very cool drain!).   

I was perfect (though awake) on the entire flight to NYC...but couldn't make it through the cab ride
The first choo choo at the Train show

Completely awesome replicas of NYC buildings using only seeds, bark, leaves, dirt and other plant stuff
They even had replicas of NYC bridges, complete with working trains going overhead

Yankee Stadium (booooooo)

Finally a pic with Miss Serena!
Thomas the train! (my personal favorite, and the only oversized plastic train amongst all the other antique gorgeous ones that Mama preferred)

Waiting for Thomas to come back
My Gran was in town to watch me in the evenings so Mama and Dada could meet up with their many friends in the area.  Gran and I ordered room service, and I got to eat ice cream every night!  On Friday night, Mama and Dada went to dinner with Serena & Stoyen to a super-fancy-delux place called 11 Madison Park.  They splurged A LOT, but Mama passed her boards, and Dada finished his huge financing round, so it was an appropriate celebration!

Mama and Dada celebrate with some bubbly!
Mama and Miss Serena at their fancy dinner
One of 15 (or maybe 16) courses...they lost track!
Saturday we met with Beth (Mama's friend from residency), Mike, Ellie and Zack at the Central Park Zoo.  Ellie and I had a great time exploring the penguin and sea lion exhibit, and playing on the structures at the Children's Zoo.  The grown ups chatted about the "good old days" - apparently that means before I was born. Hmm...not sure what I think about that!

Beth, Mike, Ellie & Zack with Mama, Dada and Me!
Playing turtle with Gran
Goofing off with Mama
Caught in a spider web
Sunday, Gran and Mama and Dada took me to the Natural History Museum.  Holy Dinosaur Bones! That was amazing!  The panoramas were also enamoring.  We also walked through Rockefeller Square, through Central Park, and along 5th Avenue.  In fact, just walking around the city was probably the single best part of the whole city. 

Mr. Roosevelt, Dada's hero

Check out them bones!
Cool bones, but my spinning light from the gift shop is more interesting...

Showing my light to the dead animal behind me
Presenting Hercules to a huge set of jaws!

Checking out the dioramas

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Now I'm ready for the real Serengeti...please Gran?
Grand Central Station
More flags!  Lots of flags!
Flags and ice skaters all in one place!
Selfie with Mama in Central Park
Watching the ice skaters in Central Park
Mama and Dada enjoying a nice walk
Just a few days after we returned from our NYC festivities, it was time for Thanksgiving weekend.  More celebrating! Hooray!  Gee and Grandpa came for the weekend, and the Henle and Romps families joined us too.  Little Felix and I had a great time exploring the backyard, and even playing in the firepit...ugh!  Mama was on call, and it was a bit busy, but with everyone pitching in, we had a wonderful meal.  And...then we repeated it two days later with the Rivest & Hunt families - a post-Thanksgiving Thanksgiving!  This time I was entertained by two lovely ladies, Finley & Bea.  

Gee and Dada working on the Turkey & fixins
Yummy finished product
Mama's pretty table
Nancy, Mama and Lydia
Dada and Dave
Just chillin' with felix in the fire pit
The gang filling up their plates
The whole gang including the Romps' and Henles
Thanksgiving #2 - Mr. Chris is keeping us all entertained!
Dada with Mama and Miss Jessy
Dinner with the Rivest's and Hunt's
Playing piano with Bea
As good as you get with three toddlers!

Happy Holidays everyone!  Christmas preparations coming up next!

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