Sunday, November 17, 2013

Celebrating the Great Pumpkin in Denver

We recently went on another jet-setting adventure to Colorado, bringing my state tally to 14.  We went to spend the weekend with some of Mama and Dada's friends, Mr. Joel & Mrs. Stephanie.  But I was stoked when I realized that they have three beautiful girls...I had them all to myself all weekend!   

We left on Halloween Day, and so I brought my homemade costume there.  Mama dressed me as a wolf in sheep's clothing because, well, I'm a wolf in sheep's clothing!  On one of the nights that the grown ups were at a fancy-shmancy dinner with a few people from Dada's Denver office, the girls and I had a Halloween celebration.  There was face-painting, glow sticks, water colors and macaroni & cheese!   

One of my favorite parts was visiting the Botanical Gardens.  The plants were cool, but there were so many neat water fountains that captivated me almost the entire time.  All of us got to run around, roll down hills and watch the fish.  

A wolf in sheep's clothing!

The moving sidewalks at SFO are so COOL!
Both families enjoying a mexican brunch...also the only group shot we remembered to take
Running through the Fall leaves
Loretta may be my new girlfriend!
Elenor and I got to watch Sesame Street while eating breakfast!  I love Denver!

Dada & Mr. Joel catching up at the Botanical Gardens

Loretta and I watching the coy fish

"upagain" Dada
Mr. Cool
Loretta can fun faster!
I can run fast!

A rare photo of the three of us!

Loretta, Elenor & Hercules having our special dinner

We didn't forget baby Kate!

I really loved Denver and can't wait to see my new friends again!

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