Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Christmas is coming...and I'm getting fat!

Well, I couldn't wait one more day!  The day after Thanksgiving, it was time to start preparing for Christmas. Bring on Santee Claus and snowmen and reindeer Dekkanrations!  Little elf Dekkan is ready!  I dragged Mama and Dada to Steve's Trees in Napa, where we've gotten all our trees since I was born.  I then spent an eternity (in my world, about 3 minutes), searching for the absolute perfect tree.  A beautiful 10 foot silver tip was my final choice!  Just like the kind that Mama used to have when she was growing up (which was sadly replaced by a fake tree called Irene several years later).  It has perfectly spaced yet full branches with a perfect silvery sparkle on the tips.  I picked out a few wreathes and 50 feet of garland for our stairs to add to the purchase, and then laughed with glee at the sight of the tree bobbing on the top of Mama's car through the skylight on our drive home.

Then it was my job to direct the troops!  Mama set about Dekkanrating the yard, while Dada perched on the roof stringing out our white lights, which continue to delight me every night.   The tree fit perfectly next to our fireplace and our stockings that were hung by the fire with care!  The lights went up and we set about hanging our ornaments.  Every ornament has a story - many are homemade, many were gifts, and many are from adventures that Mama and Dada (and sometimes me!) have had through the years.  

Searching for the perfect tree!
There she is!
All done!
What better place for an elf than in a giant wreath!
Directing the troops!
My reindeer are ready
Isn't Mama's table pretty?
I helped Dekkanrate this one!
Good job Dada!
Final product.
Say cheese little elf!
Reading 'Twas the Night Before Christmas with Monkey
Staying dry with Gee.  (and isn't the garland pretty?)
Looking dapper on my weekend with Gee & Grandpa
Playing dress up with hats with Grandpa
...and Gee!
Giant Santee Claus by Grandpa's house
Mama and Dada all dressed up for C12's Christmas party...and the whole reason I got to spend the weekend with Gee & Grandpa.  They clean up nice huh?
Making my homemade salt dough ornaments with Dada.

This weekend, I'm going to Tahoe in the mountains in the snow to make snowmen and see pinecones!
Will write more next week (if Mama is up for it!)

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