Friday, July 27, 2012

My new tricks

I am officially a "big boy" now that I have turned one.  As such, I decided to celebrate my new status by showing off some new tricks to Mama & Daddy.

I had been practicing a few things and just waiting for the right time to bust them out.  In the past two weeks, I have mastered all of the following tricks...and I can also stand unsupported for about 30 seconds (I just refuse to do that one for the camera...)

Playing in my box
                             I love my homemade toys more than anything from the store!

Morning playtime with Daddy

My no-hands method of playing with my chew toys

Mama and Daddy enjoying a nice random Wednesday dinner while I'm sound asleep

I love crawling!
Now that I can crawl, Mama & Daddy only see my backside

Cruising along the furniture...

Crawling & pulling up to stand...

I can also push my new cart around by myself 

I still have a foot fettish...and now that I can crawl, I can go get them!

                                   Mama says this is gross...but I find it fascinating!

Watch out world!  Here I come!

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