Monday, August 13, 2012

Summer activities

Mama and Daddy got to be a bit worried in the past few months as they started to realize that maybe I should spend some more time with kids my age.  I love my nanny Heather, and I love Mama & Daddy...but I don't have much interaction on a daily basis with other little dudes & dudettes.  My feeding schedule makes it impossible for me to attend a regular daycare, so Mama started scheming about ways to "socialize me".  Now, I thought the whole concept rather silly, since I'm a pretty outgoing small fry.  I absolutely love to hang out with other adults and enjoy being the center of attention.  Was it really necessary to introduce me to a bunch of little people, when I get so much attention from big folks? it turns out, Mama & Daddy were actually right for a change!
I'm now enjoying music class every week.  I bang on my drums, and play with the parachute.  All the other babies sit on their Mama's laps, but I am a star!  I crawl right into the middle of the circle & wave my arms in the air in order to direct everyone to sing to me!  That's right...I have determined that this is a "Sing to Declan Hercules" hour.  It completely reinforces my view of the world, which is that I'm the most important thing in it!

Trying to eat my teacher's guitar

My own big drum!

Everyone sits in a circle and sings to ME!

I crawl under the parachute and try to grab it each time it comes back down

Under the parachute
Here I am!

My nanny Heather with me at music class
I stole the balls from the other kids...
My favorite thing in the world....ME!
I also just graduated from Swim Lessons.  I am a complete water baby and couldn't contain my excitement every evening when Mama or Daddy, or sometimes Grammie took me to swim class.  I can kick and splash, and even go under the water (though occasionally I forget to hold my breath!)  Mama was thoroughly exhausted after swim class, but I could do it every day.

One day I couldn't go to swim class because Mama couldn't get home in time to take me. She felt so bad when she got home & I was still in my swimsuit, that we went out back & played with the hose.  Of I want to play with the hose everyday!

I also go to a daycare with my nanny for about an hour several times a week, and am having a blast watching the other little people.  I'm not too much into interactive play yet, but people-watching is enough to keep my attention for hours.  I'm also trying to watch how they eat, so I can hopefully mimic it someday.

Here are a few other random pictures from the past two weeks.

Mama & I with Dr.Kristin Hubert (she delivered me and now has become our friend!) and her son Lucien. I think we'll be good buddies too!
After I was dry & in my PJs, I scooted superfast into the shower & got all wet again. Mama's facewash tastes yummy!

So excited about the shower drain!  Don't worry - Mama watches me closely!

I always try to climb on Daddy when he's trying to do pushups
Just chillin' in my harvard PJs
Trying out the kitty bed
Completely random...this is the view from Mama's operating room on most mornings around 7am. Can you count all NINE hot air balloons?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Omg, I just overdosed on cuteness! Love the shark hat for swimming and the Harvard pjs. Can't wait to check out all of your developmental milestones soon in person. :)
