Monday, September 10, 2012

My epic road trip

I just returned from a 2 week adventure. 

Mama and Daddy loaded me into the car on a random Friday morning and we ended up at San Francisco airport!  I always know that this is the start to something great, so I was excited. 

Unfortunately, this excitement didn’t last long when I saw our seats…in the back of the plane! Not even in Economy Plus!  I thought my daddy was someone really special who always rides in the big seats up front, but this experience definitely proved me wrong.  I had a rough time on the plane for the first time…I can’t be perfect all the time!  But we landed in Chicago, and thus added my 6th state to my list of travels. 

Poor Mama had a class that she took in Chicago that required her presence from 8am to 7pm for six days straight.  Though I missed her, I had a great time with Daddy for the first two days.  Just us guys!  That doesn’t happen too often, but I really liked it.  There are definitely fewer rules when it’s just Daddy and me. I didn’t have to take as many naps as normal and I got to do anything I wanted.  We swam a lot in the pool, one of my favorite activities!

On Monday, Gran arrived to help watch me so Daddy could do a little work.  I went to Millennium Park and got to stare at my favorite person in the World (ME) for hours on end in the very cool huge Bean sculpture!  I also played in the massive fountains…crawling around in 3 inches of water is very fun!  I didn’t get scared of the water, or of all the other kids splashing and running around me.  I could have stayed there all day, but we had to get back to Mama since the only part of the day that she looked forward to was seeing her dudes at dinner! 

Uncle Hans drove all the way up from Iowa City to spend Tuesday with me in Chicago.  We had a good time at the Institute of Art…I kept trying to lecture the other visitors about each art piece though.   I also enjoyed the Apple Store, but mostly I demanded that we return to Millennium Park for more time gazing at myself in the Bean.  We also got to see the Graubarts - the parents of Daddy's best friend from high school who have recently relocated to Chicago. We went to a spectacular Chicago steakhouse which will always make Mama happy. 

With Gran at Millenium Park
The "Bean"
Love myself!
My favorite thing...removing other people's glasses
Hooray!  Mama's here!
Love myself some more!
The fountains are so cool!
Playing in the water with Daddy
With the Graubarts at a fancy steakhouse...

I was such a good little man – sleeping every night in my stroller while the grownups had dinner, and even sleeping in so everyone could feel rested in the morning.   I had a huge breakthrough this trip as well.  I don’t need to sleep on my wedge anymore!  I have begged for a long time to get me off of that thing, and someone finally listened.  Mama & Daddy decided my reflux isn’t any worse when I sleep flat.  So, now I have degees of freedom that I’ve never had before!  This is all good for me – I can sleep on my tummy or my side, and I can sit and roll over.  Unfortunately for Mama, this also means that I can pull myself up to standing anytime I want.  I’m usually too tired at nighttime to do this, but it has become my new favorite game during naptime.  Mama lays me down…I stand up…Mama lays me down…I stand up.  Mama gets frustrated….I giggle!

trying to climb out of my crib
Look who's awake!
DRAT!  Mama always wins eventually!
Anyway, after 6 days in Chicago, Gran flew to Pennsylvania, while Mama, Daddy and I drove to Ann Arbor, MI to see Uncle Steve and Aunt Beth.  Uncle Steve is towards the end of his ENT residency, and Aunt Beth is faculty OB-gyn at the hospital.  I had never met them, so I was really excited!  Also, I added another state to my tally.  SEVEN!

We spend Labor Day weekend in Ann Arbor with Steve & Beth, eating at some very cool restaurants, and watching college football.  Michigan lost, but I still had fun hollering when everyone else did – I’m in a bit of a mimicking phase.   Uncle Steve bought me a very cool Michigan onsie with “Go Blue” on my toosh…which is why Mama didn’t put any pants on me for the whole day Saturday!  Seriously embarrassing, but I imagine Mama will embarrass me a lot more in the years to come!

We also went to Zingerman’s Deli – definitely a highlight of Ann Arbor – and also mentioned in Uncle Hans’ and Cousin Sophie’s blogs throughout the year.  They have amazing sandwiches, sides, cheeses, and especially Balsamic Vinegar.  I was a little young for Mama to let me taste the vinegar, but she smacked her lips as small portions of different bottles were poured on her tasting spoon…and then she spent too much money on a super fancy bottle!  Have I mentioned before that my parents are completely crazy when it comes to food. 

With Mama and Aunt Beth by Zingerman's deli
Practicing my stair climbing with Uncle Steve
Showing off our "Go Blue" garb
Learning that all the party food isn't for me...
Daddy and Uncle Steve
Watching the game with Aunt Beth
With Aunt Beth & Uncle Steve, Mama & Daddy
After exploring Ann Arbor, it was time to continue our trek to State College, PA to see my Gran and a whole bunch of other family on Daddy’s side.  I was a super-duper-dude and slept almost the entire 6.5 hour drive.  BUT, I still get to add Indiana and Ohio to my list of states since I traversed the entire width of the states.  So, including Pennsylvania, I’m now up to 10!   We spent 4.5 days in PA, mostly in Bellefonte – a small town outside of State College – where Gran lives in a very old historic home on Spring Creek.  I promised to work on my fly fishing skills before I visit next time, so that I can catch some fish instead of scaring them all away!  Despite the fact that she wanted to hold me constantly, Gran did share me with some other family.  Uncle Chris, Aunt Chloe & cousins Laura, Harper, and (almost) Alexa visited for breakfast one morning.  I also saw them the next day since Daddy gave a lecture at Penn State in the Geosciences department where Uncle Chris is on faculty.  It was pretty cool to see Daddy and Uncle Chris up there at the same time…its not too common where two brothers are interested in similar enough topics to be able to do some science together.  I think Daddy gave a good speech based on the reviews of other people, but I didn’t get to see much of it.  All I was told was that there was going to be a lecture, so I kept trying to lecture everyone.  I wasn’t upset, and I don’t cry hardly ever…but I was simply trying to talk and laugh about every 30 seconds!  Mama had to haul me out of the lecture hall so that everyone could focus on Daddy instead of me.  (I’m such a cute distraction that I will win that battle everytime unless forcibly removed). For obvious reasons...we don't have pictures of the lecture!

Also in PA, I got to meet my Great Uncle Mike and Great Aunt Ada for the first time.  Uncle Mike promises to teach me how to use power tools and fix everything as soon as I’m old enough.  Cousin Mikey and his daughter, Kate (my 4 year old second cousin), also made a huge effort to drive from Pittsburgh to see me just for one dinner!  I hadn’t met them before either, so it was pretty cool…and I really loved hanging out with Kate.  Great Aunt Mimi made an even bigger effort – she drove all the way from Iowa in one day just to get to see me for one dinner too!  Even though I like to think that I’m always the star of the show, in reality, this one night was all about someone else…President Obama!  We all watched him accept the nomination at the DNC – the first elections I’ve seen.  Daddy is teaching me all about the different issues, and I’m thinking that I like this Obama character.  Besides, he has super cute daughters that I want to meet someday!

Loving the big yard at Spring Creek

With Jenny & Cousin Laura

With Gran & Cousins Harper & Laura
Crazy cousin time!
With Aunt Jenny
Uncle Chris, Great Uncle Mike & Aunt Ada, Gran, Auntie Jenny & me with Mama
At a creekside candlelight dinner with Mama & Gran
Uncle Chris helping me fall asleep
The parents & Gran enjoying a glass of champagne on the porch while I take my nap
A series of adorable photos of me by the creek

Visiting Gran's museum in Bellefonte
I even got to try on some of the neat Chinese crowns on exhibit at the museum
Playing with Great Aunt Mimi
Practicing walking with Great Aunt Ada
Daddy & Cousin Mike with me & Kate
Me & Cousin Kate
One of my favorite things...sink time!  
The family watching the DNC

Me with President Obama
After a lovely week of playing at Spring Creek House with so many family members, it was time to pack up and drive to New York.  And, I picked up my 11th state (New Jersey)!   

We had a jam-packed 48 hours in NYC.  First, Mama’s best friend from residency, Beth, and her husband Mike, daughter Ellie & newborn baby boy Zack drove in from the ‘burbs for a visit downtown.  I want to thank them publically for schlepping all the way downtown with 9 day old baby Zack, just so I didn’t have to ride in the car for another 2 hours!  Even a cool little dude has his limits, and driving from Chicago to NYC was it for me!  So, Mama and Beth picked up right where they left off…Beth is now a Pediatric Urology Faculty at Montefiore in the Bronx.  They chatted all about medicine, and life with us babies!  I was just thrilled to hang out with more little people since we speak the same language.  Ellie is a cool kid and we played in the water fountains together.  I’m not sure why Zack doesn’t do much aside from sleep…Mama says that I used to be the same way, but there is no way possible that I was ever that little or as sleepy!  (and I really don’t buy that I was born at ¼ the weight Zack is now!  Anyway, I’m just excited that there is another little guy for me to play with, even if I have to wait until he’s a little bigger before he can do anything. 

Playing with Ellie back at the hotel 

Mama & me with Mike, Beth & Ellie (and Zack in the stroller)
Loving my leaf
Kissing the tree
Fun time with Daddy in the Battery Park fountains

With Mama overlooking the Statue of Liberty - I get to visit next time we go to NYC
After a lovely afternoon with the Drzeweickis, I had a special bath before putting on my special new outfit…my first tuxedo!  Thanks Daddy!  Daddy also did my hair in a special Mohawk, and then we headed to a quick sushi dinner on our way to a cocktail party for our dear friends Alex & Eric.  They were getting married the next day, and invited all their friends to a cocktail reception at the top of a fancy-schmancy hotel in midtown with views of the whole city!  Why doesn’t Napa have as many cool buildings?  Clearly, I was the hit of the parade (and the only kid at all)!  I tried not to steal Alex & Eric’s thunder, but I couldn’t help but try! 

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If this isn't cute, I don't know what I can do to make you smile!
At the cocktail party
The Huffs (from Reservoir Capital) and Alex & Eric pose with me in my tux
Daddy and I pose in front of the Chrysler building
I finally pass out!
Saturday, Mama’s closest Med School friend, Serena (who has been in this blog a few times!) came for lunch.  She went to her psychiatry residency in NYC and loved it so much that she stayed.  We love visiting her there…and Saturday was special because I got to hang out with her all day!  After a nice lunch at Perry St (a Jean Georges restaurant…these adults are seriously ridiculous!), we had a long walk along the water back to the hotel.  Mama & Daddy got all glammed up for the black tie wedding, and left me in Serena’s capable if not mischievous hands.  I wasn’t at all sad to see my parents go, since I knew that Serena would be the coolest babysitter ever.  I got to go out to dinner to meet one of Serena’s friends, and stay up late…but my favorite part was playing in the sink! 

Walking along the water with Mama & Serena
Love Serena!
Who else has a cape???
Check out my new outfit courtesy of Gran!

Mama & Daddy had an amazing time at the wedding.  They told me the next morning that the wedding was in the vault of an old beautiful bank in Brooklyn, and that it was definitely the nicest wedding that they had ever been to in their entire lives!  In some ways, I wish I could have joined them, but I wouldn’t trade my time with Serena for anything!  I do have to say “Congratulations Alex & Eric.  I hope you are as happy as Mama and Daddy are…and I hope you make me more friends to play with when I come to visit!” 

Finally, my trip came to an end the following morning.  Daddy stayed in NYC for a few extra days to finally get some work done that he had been putting off in order to spend quality time with me and Mama.  He had a long chat with me about being a good boy for Mama on the plane.  Mama & I got to the airport 2 hours early and it was time for my nap.  But Mama was evil and didn’t let me fall asleep.  She kept making me crawl and walk around, and even changed my clean diaper 3 times to keep me awake.  She will tell you that her strategy worked, but I had already agreed with Daddy that I would be a good boy.  Either way, I slept like a log the whole flight, only waking up to smile at everyone upon landing in San Francisco! 

Being forced to walk around at the airport.  Mean Mama!
What an amazing adventure that was!  I am happy to be back with my kitties and my nanny, Heather.  But, I can’t wait to see what fun trips are coming my way next…I overhear Mama & Daddy talking occasionally about Paris for Thanksgiving, but I have no idea what that place is.  I guess I’ll have to wait to find out…

Back home lounging on my pillows!
Weird puffy hair morning after travel

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