Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Family Galore...and my first Alisal!

I have had an incredibly busy past 2 weeks.  First, my nanny Heather was off on a well-deserved vacation.  Apparently, I’m a lot of work & she needed some relaxation!  So, Grammie & Grandpa came to take care of me so Mama & Daddy could still go to work & bring home the bacon.  I had a great time!  I got to go on upwards of three walks a day, got to go to the park almost every day…and I got to play in the flower bed & on the garage floor.  Mama thought that was pretty yucky, but I’m a dude…what can she expect?  I love to get dirty!   I had to take about two baths a day, but since I love baths, it was a win-win situation.  By the end of the week, poor Grammie & Grandpa were exhausted and had to go home to recover.  Thank you Grammie & Grandpa!

Who needs toys when there is a big box?

Not often that I am exhausted enough to cuddle...usually I have too much to do!

Still love the swing!  The higher the better!
                                       Swinging may be my new favorite thing.

                                     Grandpa tells some great stories and is great at distracting me!

Love daddy's boots...maybe I'll be a cowboy?
After a week, Grammie & Grandpa were exhausted!
Then, Gran & Gran-Mimi came to visit on a cross-country tour from Pennsylvania to Southern CA & back again.  I love my Gran & love every time she visits, but I was thrilled to finally meet Gran-Mimi (Gran’s sister).  I had heard so much about her – she lives on a farm in Iowa & raises goats, chickens, and huge puppy dogs (St. Bernards).  My only disappointment was that there were no St. Bernard puppies with her.  Mama tells me that my feet remind her of a St. Bernard puppy – they are apparently huge compared to the rest of my body.  Anyway – Gran-Mimi was super cool – she helped me walk & brought me some fun toys to stimulate my already overly active mind.  She also promised that I could come stay at her farm during the summer when I’m a little older. Mama & Daddy love that idea, but I think I’ll look forward to getting away from them even more!

Gran-Mimi, Gran and Mama
Gran, Mama & Daddy

Gran and I getting into trouble together

GranMimi bough me a whole bunch of new toys!
After a few days to recover, Uncle Hans & my cousin Sophie came to visit before we headed South for daddy’s family reunion.  I had met my Uncle Hans before – he came to visit when I was in the NICU a few times – but I had never met my very cool Cousin Sophie!  We got to play together for about 4 days in Napa. We went wine tasting (I only had a little bit!), to the park where I went swinging (again), and out to dinner a few times.  Sophie was so fascinating to watch;  she played with me, pushed me in my cart, helped me pick up my toys when I threw them on the ground, and even let me pull her hair which I found fascinating.

Uncle Hans, Cousin Sophie, me wearing my lion skin, and Mama

Daddy & Uncle Hans out shooting trap. When do I get to go?
After a few days with them, we all headed down to Solvang for the annual House family reunion.  My first Alisal Ranch!  The House family has been going for 38 years thanks to Great-Granddad who started it as a way to keep his three children and their families close.  Now there are 11 children my generation, and we love going back year after year.  Alisal is a functioning dude-ranch, with lovely guest rooms, a fancy dining room, a Saturday Hay Ride and pancake breakfast, a hoe-down BBQ, a lovely pool and many more activities. 

My favorite part of the weekend was meeting even more family!  I met some great-aunts & uncles, some second cousins, and also I finally got to meet my Aunt Chloe & Cousin Harper!  It was so much fun to be doted on all weekend by all my female cousins.  It’s almost like I have 20 aunts and no cousins…but that is a good trade.  I could get used to the pampering! 

The whole gang (minus Kristi, Steve & Beth who couldn't make it!)...Daddy, Mama & me, Cousin Laura, Uncle Kevin & Aunt Kendall with new baby cousin Logan, Boppy with Cousin Sophie, Uncle Hans, Granddad, Aunt Chloe & Uncle Chris with Cousin Harper
Granddad & Boppy with all the grandkids

The five cousins!  I reign supreme as the only dude with Harper, Sophie, Laura, and Logan!

Daddy with Sophie, Laura & Harper
Playing games with Granddad - I can mimic well!
All dressed up for a fancy dinner
Another fancy dinner outfit
Me hanging with Daddy & Granddad & Uncles Chris, Kevin & Hans
Three "House" far I'm the only male bearer of the "House" name!
Uncle Hans helping me walk

Rocking to sleep with Great-Uncle "Rainbow" (Ken)
Uncle Rainbow giving his toast to my Great Granddad Howard for starting the Alisal tradition 38 years ago!
Kevin, Chris & Daddy with me at the bar!
I really want Uncle Hans' cocktail!
Family wheel-barrow race!
The two new daddies....Uncle Kevin & Logan & Me with Daddy
Aside from all the family bonding time, I absolutely loved the swimming pool – especially since I got to play with all my cousins.  My cousin Laura is super grown up, and she took good care of me in the pool.  She pushed me around in my turtle floatie (Ertle) and made sure that no one ever accidentally turned me over or splashed too much. Then cousins Sophie & Harper, Jesse & Remi & Sophia were dancing and splashing in front of me to keep me entertained.  I am truly a water baby – I don’t think I would have even noticed if Mama & Daddy left me swimming in the pool by myself.  I just love to kick my own way all over the pool!

Granddad & me with Ertle the Turtle

Chloe, Boppy, Granddad, Daddy & me

Water baby!
I also loved the hay ride out to the pancake breakfast & can’t wait to enjoy those flapjacks next year!  My only complaint was that it left early in the morning and I don’t like to wake up.

Cousin Jesse & Laura letting me touch their riding hats
My most thrilling moments came in the petting zoo.  I got to pet ponies, miniature cows, and goats.  I thoroughly enjoyed the rabbit room where I got to hold lettuce out and the bunnies came out and ran all over my legs.  I loved to pet them and watch them hop around. 

My first experience with a Shetland Pony

Goatie was more accommodating to my caresses.

Bunnies & guinea pigs galore!  I tried not to eat too much of the lettuce myself. 
I also got to ride a horse…twice!!!   First, on a nice horse named Cactus in a real cowboy saddle.  I couldn’t wipe the smile off my face the whole time.  Then I got to ride bareback since I had clearly perfected the art of riding in a saddle.  This horse was Mr. Pickles, and he was a super friendly Appaloosa.  I am not sure if I enjoyed the ride more, or eating the reigns.  J  

Me riding Cactus

Riding Mr. Pickles while all my cousins watch
Boppy & Granddad also surprised me with a first birthday party celebration at the Saturday night bbq.  We all had birthday hats and I got to hear my first birthday song directed to yours truly!  I got a nice new toy twiga from all my cousins too.  We danced the night away to classic oldies and country tunes. 

Though the wine wasn't for me, I tried to make it all mine!

My first birthday hat & my rice crispy treat with a big #1 candle! 
 Thanks Boppy & Granddad!

I topped off my wonderful weekend with a nice surprise for Mama & Daddy.  After the BBQ dinner, around midnight, Mama was putting me into my crib when she noticed that my gtube was missing!  Oh no!  Well…I was a bit of a bad boy and pulled it out – I just love to grab things (no excuses!) .  Mama is a good surgeon and she has also carried around an emergency kit for this reason, but alas, the syringes weren’t the right size.  Oh no!  Thankfully there was a hospital a few miles away, so off we went.  It had been over a month since the last time I saw a hospital, and I kind of missed it.  I was a happy dude in the ED.  After the nurse gave Mama a proper syringe, Mama was actually the one to put the tube back in.  After about an hour, we were back in our lovely guest room, getting settled back into bed!   Just a wonderful present so we will always remember my first Alisal!

Just chillin' at the hospital...again!

I finally finished breast milk just before my 1st birthday.  Thanks Mama for all those calories!
The freezer a few months ago...Mama is pretty excited that she can finally put grown up food in there!
Mama finally got a new car after 15 years!  It's the new professional-surgeon-soccer-mama-tahoe-car! I have my own captain's chair in the second row with my own AC and a DVD player...I think that makes me one spoiled dude!  I'm sure I've earned it though.  Mama says this will be the car I learn to drive in in 16 years!

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