Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Third Labor - Conquered

I have now completed my third of twelve labors.  The first was successfully getting out of the womb alive.  The second was my release from the NICU.  And, now the third is that I am home from the hospital after my major tummy surgery.

You all know that I have had tummy troubles since I was born.  Medications didn't help, so finally, Mama and Daddy agreed that I should have surgery to see if that would help.  I was a willing participant, and even smiled as I was being carried by the nurse into the operating room last week.  I am just so optimistic that my tummy will feel better and that I will soon be able to enjoy all the yummy food that Mama is making for me.

On May 24th, I had a Nissen fundoplication and my gtube was replaced.  Mama was super nervous, but I was totally fine the whole time.  When the surgeon came out to talk to Mama and Daddy, he told them that he had also found a diaphragmatic hernia that he also repaired.  This means that part of my stomach was in my chest - and is probably at least partially responsible for my troubles.  Mama and Daddy were actually excited to hear this news, and felt vindicated at pushing hard for me to get the surgery.

Pre-op area
Psyching myself up for surgery
The surgery was the easy part, since I got to sleep the whole time.  Recovery has been more challenging, but I'm doing really well.  I spent four nights in the hospital and each day was a little better than the prior one.  I haven't vomited since the surgery, which is AMAZING!  I'm still having some trouble swallowing my saliva since there is still some swelling, but I think it will get better with time and patience.

In the recovery room
Woe is me!
Tough Hercules!

So sleepy with my Daddy

The two dudes
Daddy loves taking pictures of me...
I really don't like flashes...
Seriously Daddy, put down that camera!!!
Feeling better -playing with my toys.
A nice nap before going home. 
Uncle Ben & Aunt Aubree came to visit me! Thanks for my SF Giants hat!
Uncle Ben is listening to my secret advice

Grammie & Grandpa came to visit so Mama and Daddy could have a short break for brunch with their friends (and parents of twins almost my age!)...Noah & Emily

Another pic of me with Grandpa

Staying at the hospital reminded me how much I love my own bed and my own room!  (It reminded Mama and Daddy too!)  I missed Miss Heather & I missed my two kitties so much.

There was a wonderful surprise waiting for me at home...balloons from Gran!  I had never seen balloons before, so this was fascinating to me.  I dragged them around all day in my cart...absolutely mesmerizing...

My balloons from Gran!
Now, on to my fourth labor - conquering oral feeding & getting my gtube out!

1 comment:

  1. Really glad things went well. So happy for you guys. The kid is such a trooper. Lots of positive thoughts going your way.
