Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Eating....with Gran!

Hi everyone!

I know it's been a few weeks since I last wrote.  Apparently, I exhausted Mama with the length of my last dictation, so she's been slow to help me again.  But tonight, after I allowed her to have a glass of wine and was particularly good, she is translating for me again.

I settled back into life in Napa quite well after my sojourn in Hawaii.  Though I do miss the beaches, I have thrown myself into life at home with gusto!  My day goes like this:

Wake up at 8  (Mama and Heather give me milk at 6:30, but thanks to my gtube, I sleep through this).
Play time until 9:30 - this is when I practice sitting up, reaching for things, pulling up to stand, taking some (assisted) steps.
9:30 - breakfast!
10:30-noon - nap
12:  Lunch
12:30-2:30:  Playtime - this is when I get to run around in my little cart. I am so good at this now - turning tight corners, chasing my parents and the kitties, and generally getting into everything.
(Actually, Mama just had the house Hercules-proofed last weekend, after I was zooming around in my cart & opened the liquor cabinet & presented Mama with a bottle of Orange Curacao!)
2:30:  Snack
3:00-4:30:  Naptime
4:30-6:00:  Playtime!
6:00:  bath
6:30:  reading with Mama & Daddy & bedtime milk
7:00:  bedtime
9&11pm:  Mama gives me more milk while I rest peacefully!

Now that I can stand up, I can get into everything!  This drawer wasn't Hercules-proofed!

Oh - I've also started going with my nanny Heather to a daycare down the street for about an hour a few times a week.  Mama & Daddy decided that I need to "socialize"...whatever that means.  Basically, I sit around and watch the big kids run all over the place and make a huge ruckus...but I like it.  I guess it's what grown-ups call "people-watching".

Me with my friend Levi

So, I bet you're all wondering how my eating is going.  I'm doing pretty well.  I am definitely enjoying my cereal, and Mama has gotten creative with some homemade millet, oatmeal, and barley cereals.  I've also tried avocado & sweet potato and am not a fan of either.  My feeding therapist, Anne, tells me that it takes 20 tries before I decide if I really like something or not, so I'll keep trying!  Mama tells me that I get to start squash, peas, and carrots soon.  While that sounds interesting, I would much rather have bananas and mangoes...but everyone says I need to eat my veggies first!  Grrrr.....Hercules should get his own way!  I still am having some reflux, but my spit ups are much better.  I still may need to have some surgery to help my tummy, but we won't know for another 6-8 weeks.

Gran helping me eat my cereal

My new "hands-free" method of eating

This week, my Gran also came to visit for the whole week.  I have so much fun with her!  She bought me a really soft monkey that is my buddy, and a new book called "Pat the Bunny" which has fun textures for me to sink my curious fingers into.  I absolutely love feeling all sorts of new things...especially feeling how they are in my mouth!  My two bottom teeth are now completely in, but they continue to surprise & amaze me...I run my tongue over them all the time and giggle because they feel so funny.  I also enjoyed chasing Gran in my cart...I'm faster than she is, so she may need to see a podiatrist for broken toes when she goes home!  She helped Mama so much this week, especially the early morning and the late-night feeds, so Mama could get some more sleep.  Thanks Gran!

Mama and me on our way to a fundraiser for a Tanzanian Hospital...hence the zebra outfit (Thanks Marilyn!)

After my bath, with Gran

My signature hands-behind-the-ears pose

Big Monkey a ride in my car

Thanks for my monkey, Gran!
                                   Mama is ridiculously clever (and annoying sometimes)...

Why won't my cart go outside?

1 comment:

  1. We had a wonderful visit- thanks for all the fun time. Declan, you are so good at driving I think it's time your Dad buys a fancier car for you- maybe electric! Now thatnDeclan drives allovwr the house, Word of caution to folks visiting Wear shoes that cover your toes! Love, Gran
