Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Keevah Nyx (aka Fat Raptor): I Love my Gran!

This week I had the immense honor of meeting my Gran for the first time!  My brother had told me about her A LOT in the past few weeks, in anticipation of her arrival...I had heard about toy stores, and feeding ducks, and long walks by the river, but he didn't do her justice.  She is enthusiastic about everything...even my poopy diapers!  She was especially enthusiastic about my early morning feeds, which was awesome since Mama doesn't seem to enjoy them too much.  

We had an awesome adventure to Rodeo Beach, the Marin Headlands Marine Mammal Center, The Calistoga Geyser, and MORE...Even big brother hadn't done some of the things that we got to do this week.  

I'm almost 2 months old (but only 1 month adjusted) - I can sometimes hold my head up, but other times, I forget and smash my face onto Mama or the ground. I'm 7lbs 9oz now, and my nickname is Fat Raptor.  While at first it doesn't sound too endearing, apparently I make raptor-ish noises when eating and occasionally shriek for no reason at all - simply because it sounds cool.  I've gained 2.5lbs in 2 months, so that makes me FAT according to Mama and Dada.  Big brother was so much smaller than me at this point, so I guess I'll let the folks call me fat...for now!  I'm a champion eater - of the bottle - the booby scares me so I avoid it.  I enjoy tummy time for 37 seconds, before I give up and lay there motionless until someone rescues me.  

Gratuitous cute Valentine baby photo - Fat Raptor in all my glory!
Gran is an excellent bottle holder!  
A wonderful day in Marin. At this point, I was finally settled in the car Big Brother Hercules got to take these photos instead of me.  But, I watched him from the car!
Hercules and Gran go Way back!
Watching Gran and Hercules at Rodeo Beach
Mama and I loved hanging out with Gran while we watched brother and Dada run around.
When do I get to chase the waves too?  Please say it's soon!!!
Dada, Hercules, Gran and ME
A trip to the Marine Mammal Center - a hospital to help seals and their friends get healthy again
I fell asleep, but Big Brother loved watching the Elephant Seal pups barking!
We went on an awesome hike too, where big brother practiced his rock climbing skills!

Gran also took us to the Calistoga Old Faithful Geyser.  I stayed bundled up in my Moby wrap, but enjoyed the spray on my face!  Big brother had a blast.  I was too afraid of those crazy zoo animals to touch them - they appeared ready to eat me...and Mama has always said I'm cute enough to eat, so I stayed safely swaddled. 
Enjoying a family trip to the Geyser
Gran and Hercules with the Geyser

Who is better?  Big brother's spin moves make me dizzy

Getting ready for a fancy sushi dinner with Gran - I'm asleep on the boppy pillow, and big Brother has gotten himself dressed - a bow tie AND a regular tie, and TWO plaid patterns!  I can only hope to someday be as inspired by fashion as he is!
Sushi dinner with the family - you can't see me but I'm asleep on Mama's lap under the table.
I can't wait to enjoy ice cream popsicles with Big Brother!
We also had a fun dinner with our friends, the Rivests.  A personal chef came to cook and clean so Mama could spend the whole night loving ME!

Chris, Jessy & Huxley; with Dada, Mama and ME

The dadas with Huxley and me;  Huxley is 1 day younger than me
Declan and Finley
All set up for a movie while the grown ups eat dinner - I can't wait to join them!
My first boyfriend Huxley; comparing our machines at an early age!
Does this menu seem crazy to anyone else?  Why do people need so much more than Mama milk?

Miso marinated Sea bass
Dada and Mr. Chris talking to the Chef 
Cuddling with Big Brother
...again...He's the BEST big brother ever!
...and again!!!  Mama is one lucky Mama!!!

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