Thursday, April 30, 2015

More fun and sun in SF and Monterey

First, a cute family photo.  We don't have very many of those since we forget to ask someone else to take our photo!  I had a great month of fun adventures.  We started with a trip to the park in Sonoma and some wine tasting.  Then had a wonderful weekend in San Francisco, followed by a weekend in Monterey.  Scroll down for all sorts of amazing photos starring ME!

Feeding the ducks in Sonoma

Just chillin' while the grown ups enjoy some wine at Imagery
Imagery has a FAN (like object)!
Can you tell I still REALLY LOVE fans?  My artwork in the shower - wind turbines (big and little), and two floor fans (red and yellow)

Then I got to spend an afternoon at Fairyland in Oakland with my BFF Felix.  
Watching the water windmill fan

Riding the cardboard down the Jack & Jill exhibit

Alice and wonderland - down the rabbit hole!

Two of the three little pigs
After Fairyland, we went out to a French dinner in SF - and of course Mama has to dress me as a little french boy.

Wonderful walk across the Golden Gate Bridge

Family Selfie

The best part of the month was a weekend in Monterey.  The first day we rented bikes and rode for about 20 miles.  We got to stop anywhere we wanted - there were so many tide pools! I got to touch sea anemones, snails, crabs, and lots and lots of kelp!

Hercules, the mortal with God-like strength!

Enjoying some amazing flowers on the coastal trail

Checking out the seals at the Coast Guard pier

Then we got to spend a few hours at a special Dennis the Menace park - so many super cool things to do!

Since I love fancy dinners so much, I got to go with Mama and Dada to an italian place where I devoured an entire plate of ravioli followed by strawberry gelato
The next morning, we went to the Aquarium - the best in the whole wide world.  My favorite was the octopus who put on quite a show!  The hammerhead shark came in a close second.  I scored a pretty cool stuffed octupus and matching shirt.

touching  a sea urchin

A little sleepy after a whole day watching fishies

After the aquarium, I could not imagine going back to the hotel for a I persuaded Mama and Dada to spend some time at the beach.

We tried and pretty much failed to fly a kite...gosh darn unpredictable wind gusts...
I needed to meditate for awhile...and climbed up on this post and sat there by myself for about 30 minutes. I'm such an old soul according to my parents!

One more fancy dinner - I picked out my special seer-sucker suit for the occasion. 

Back home finally, and back to my normal routine: school, swim lessons, soccer, gymnastics...and catching lizards in my back yard!

Grandpa and I have perfected the art of catching a lizard.

Singing a song to Mama

All dressed up for dinner...
Nighttime stroll in Napa after a sushi dinner
After-work/school selfie with Mama
And finally - this was my most recent "treasure" that I found in the back yard...

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