Sunday, February 22, 2015

A confused February - Skiing and Gardening!

First - for a little perspective, Mama dug out some treasures from my keepsake box: 

Wearing the Hat, holding the diaper size, and wearing the blood pressure cuff (on my finger) that I wore in the NICU 3.5 years ago.  

I've been doing so many fun things this month.  We spent another weekend in Tahoe - I'm such a lucky dude to be able to go to my favorite place every month!  I'm getting better and better at skiing too.  Dada forgot to turn the camera on when I was going down on my own, but you get the idea from the next few videos.  I'm a little shredder!

All ready to ski!

Warming up on the bunny slope

And now for the blue run - we ran into Auntie Aubree, so she was able to take our video

Getting started for my Olympic Debut!

Apres Ski:  warming up with Hot Coco in the bath tub with Uncle Ben in Tahoe

Enjoying the sun on the deck at Tahoe with Auntie Aubree and Cousin Rinnah

I had a really fun day at the zoo with my friend Felix: 

With my friend Felix at the Zoo

Who says we need a double stroller?

I loved the petting zoo!

...if only they would let me climb up with them...

Back in Napa, the weather was confused and it felt like summer...So, we planted our garden so we can harvest veggies for a long time!

I got dressed all by myself, including unbuttoning jammies, changing underwear, socks, pants, shirt...only one small problem...

Enjoying a warm weekend and hanging our new bird feeders

Picking out some veggies to start planting

The final product!

The bug catcher caught an enormous bug!

Snoozing with Dada on our new couch after a long day of manual labor in the garden

Family Selfie
I also continued to enjoy all sorts of fun things in Napa - visits from Gee & Grandpa, playing with my endless supply of fans, going to my Gym Class, and playing on my scooter.  I also started soccer, but Mama forgot to take pictures! In general, I'm still loving my school, enjoying play dates with friends, working with my tools and tool bench, and keeping Mama and Dada really really busy at all times.   

Helping Mama cook.  Mama and I decorated my very own hat and apron too!

They charged Mama extra for the Hercules!

Having fun at Scientopia

At GymZone


Playing telephone with Grandpa on our "chair lift" complete with a "seatbelt bar"

With Gee & Grandpa

Reading with Gee
Reading with Grandpa
And, we had a Super Bowl Party:  I got to run around with my friends while the adults watched the game.  We were, however, interested in the half time show!

Well, the super bowl wasn't so exciting, but we loved the half time show
Mama, Dave, Nancy, Felix, Justin & baby Eyelet 
Ernst, Justin with Eyelet, Declan, Felix, Nancy, Dave and Mama
Justin, Me, Dave, Dada, Ernst

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