Saturday, January 24, 2015

It's a New Year!

It's a New Year, and I've made my always listen to Mama and Dada, to learn all my letters (I'm about half-way there), and to visit at least a few more states and countries.  

We visited Tahoe for our monthly weekend away from Napa and had another great time with friends and family.  
Loving Lake Tahoe with Mama and Dada

Dinner in Tahoe with the Rivest's, Notash-Wilcox's, Miss Libby, and Gee & Grandpa
Dada skiing with Mr. Chris & Ms. Libby
The Rivest & House families
I got to spend a weekend with Gee & Grandpa while Mama & Dada recovered from the holidays by sleeping in.  
enjoying my dollie ride at Great-Grammie's barn with Grandpa
Grandpa may have put too many bubbles in the bath! But I loved every minute!

My giraffe bank broke, and Grandpa helped me make a new plexiglass window for it!

I did have some fun at home too!  I've really been loving my guitar again.  Grandpa had to get a new shoulder, so I sang him some songs!

I continued to play with my marble tower... Thanks Granddad & Boppy!

Look what photo-bombed us!  Do you think Dada is looking at my marble tower, or the TV?

And then I spent a day with Uncle Tomo and Auntie Kelly and got the best gift ever!  Uncle Tomo gave me a hand-made wagon that carries my very own toolbox with REAL tools...including many that belonged to my Great-Papa (mama's grandpa). It even has a real license plate with my name, headlights and taillights, locks with keys, a retractable handle, and Mickey Mouse on the side!  I will be able to play with this long as Mama doesn't steal my tools first!

Auntie Kelly & Uncle Tomo also gave me a fan that plugs into a USB drive...a new kind of fan that I've never seen before!

Say Cheese!
Helping pack up some old furniture! 

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