Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Summer fun in Napa

I've been having so much fun this summer and Mama's been snapping tons of pictures of me since I'm so cute. 

We went to the County Fair in Napa - my first time at a fair!  There were so many amazing rides that I had a hard time picking which ones to go on.  There were even wild animals...but most of all there were a ton of FANS!  For the next week, I told everyone who would listen about all the big sucker fans at the fair.  Mama and Dada were showing me the amazing animals, including this big kitty called a tiger.  Mama said "Declan, look at the big kitty cat!"...and I replied "Mama, look at that huge FAN". (They had fans cooling off the animals)
My other recent comment that got Mama laughing was when I was eating some little potatoes for dinner.  I said,  "Mama look!  It's a baby potato!  It's so cute, it's just like a baby FAN"

A real life Thomas!
I'm actually pointing at a big fan blowing on the Tiger
Making big sucker bubbles at the fair
Taking my friend for a ride!
On the Ferris Wheel with Dada
Canoe Ride!
My parents also hosted a big dinner party called a "MidSummer Night's Dream".  Gee and Grandpa even came to help cook and decorate. I got to help put out fairy lights too, and helped make corn cakes. But my most important role was as "Puck" from the play.  I kept practicing my line, "Oh, what fools these mortals be!"...but couldn't get it quite right, so we settled on "Foolish Mortals!"   I was super cute, and even though Mama's food was great, I was the star of the show!

                                                         Shucking corn with Grandpa

Making corn cakes with Mama
Dada and Grandpa hanging a chandelier in our tree

                                                    Cooling off with Grandpa
Mama's beautiful table
Backyard all ready for our friends
The whole gang
Tom Hunt got into the party spirit!
And so did Alex Fisher!
Everyone having a good time

Some of Mama's pretty food

I've started collecting treasures recently.  Mama and Miss Heather really have to check my pockets before tossing them in the laundry.  Leaves, bugs, food products, tools, etc have all found their way into my treasure box.  

These were all found together in the same pocket one random day...
I've been helping Mama a lot with the garden too.  She won't let me pick any of the tomatoes until they turn red or orange.  The other day she said "Declan, we have to wait until that one turns red before we pick it".  I said,  "Ok, I sit right here with you and wait!"  She tried to tell me that it wasn't going to turn red for a long time, but she doesn't realize how patient I can be!   I also told her I want to go to the pumpkin patch.  She said that we have to wait until the weather cools off and the leaves start to turn red.  So, I said "Ok, I sit right here by leopard (my stuffed animal) and wait".  See how patient I am??

A few other comments that Mama found funny...
We were at Oxbow Public Market recently and I had to go potty. So, Mama took me and I climbed up on the seat.  Then loudly announced to everyone else in the large public bathroom, "Oh no mama! I forgot to push my penis down! My pee pee hit the door!"  Mama had a little clean up to do on that one. Uh oh!

I also told Mama recently, "Kitty cats have eyes and a mouth.  And a nose too...(long pause)...but they don't have tongues (sad face)".   Mama said, "Oh, kitty cats have tongues!".  I was shocked!  "They do? really?," I exclaimed. "Oh yes!  I can't believe it!  That's amazing! Hooray!"...and then "Does that mean that leopards and giraffes have tongues too?"  I was floored that all my favorite animals have tongues just like me!

Finally, on our walk last night, I saw a bug in the air and said "Look at that big flying spider!"  Mama explained that it wasn't a spider, but another insect called a dragonfly.  "Oh wow!" I shrieked "Dragons breathe fire!  Where's his fire Mama?"  I still don't know why Mama started laughing!

 My new remote controlled shark balloon

Still loving swim lessons!

Enjoying the bouncy house at the block party

proof of my never-ending stream-of-consciousness banter

putting in some new bark in the back yard. 

I discovered that I LOVE maraschino cherries 
snuggling with Dada after a late dinner out
Enjoying Sonoma park and feeding the ducks

Hercules, the Viking!
I've been shot!

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