Monday, April 21, 2014

Chicago & Rudolph the Easter Bunny

Another long gaps between my posts...sorry!  I have a really good excuse though...Mama was in Chicago twice in the past few weeks and had a hard time finding time to help me write.  She had her boards, and also she had surgery last week.  More on that later.  I've been doing great.  I'm gaining weight again, much to the relief of my parents.  I continue to love my Montessori preschool and am leaning so much there every day.  I'm in swim lessons again twice a week and loving it!  I survived my first bout of pink eye like a champ, but not before giving it to my poor Mama.  

Enjoying bathtime with my new colored water tablets and my letters

                                                    More toys please!

conducting music

Life in Napa, Dragon & Monster need to smell the wine!
With Grandpa at GymZone with my famous visage on the wall 
Girls aren't the only ones who can rock a ponytail
Proof that Mama is learning to ski...I can't wait to get up to the top next season
Mama did better than Dada...broken wrist!  I've been really good at giving him lots of kisses to make his bone feel all better 
Another fun trip to the Lake
Back in glorious Napa weather, learning to ride my balance bike
Getting myself ready for bed and story time
Chasing frogs, snails and worms after a downpour
The day the "H" died...

Loving my banjo guitar

 First trip to Chicago - I got to go on this one!  This was my second time to Chicago and I loved it.  I did great on the plane, as always.   I visited the aquarium, the planetarium, the Natural History museum and Grant/Millenium Park.  But, my favorite part of all were the "big fans"!  I still talk about all the fans and vents I found in Chicago, especially the big sucker ones at the airport.

I'm growing ever more opinionated and vocal...I'm two afterall!  A few examples:  when Dada was reading one of the storyboards at the museum, I just wanted to chase the stars on the floor.  So, I said, "No Dada, don't do that! Dada just don't talk!"  I have the feeling my folks realize that I will continue to tell them not to talk for a long time!  I was also jumping around flapping my arms when Dada said "Declan, you're flying!"  To which I responded, "I don't fly. Birds fly."  So there!   I'm also getting pretty good at telling little white lies (like saying the poopoo is "all gone" when its really still in my diaper), and making up excuses why I can't do something ("can't go to the store cause its broken"), but so far my parents seem to be onto me. I'll keep practicing my art of deception until they believe me!

at the aquarium
Jellyfish are my favorite!
Actually, my favorite part of the aquarium were the vents under the tanks
Beautiful city scape
At the Bean in Millennium Park

In Grant Park
Making meteor craters at the Planetarium
Learning about my universe

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Trying to catch me a star

Declan on the moon!

They're not alive?  Unimpressed

Pumping blood up to the giraffe's head takes a lot of work, and now I know that their blood pressure is WAY higher than ours

Big sucker teeth in a t-rex head
Learning about dinosaurs and fossils
A big sucker dino bone.  Giddyup!
The robe that the hotel provided...It almost fits me!  The robe belt was on the floor, and Dada said "look Declan, it's a snake!"  To which I replied, "No Dada, that's the robe."  Do I have a sense of humor or what?
Mama and me relaxing at the hotel
Best part of the trip:  the humongous fans at the airport
Easter time is here!  Here comes Peter Cottontail, hopping down the bunny trail.  Mama and I were talking about Easter a few days ago, and I asked when Rudolph was coming.  She laughed at me and explained that I had my holidays mixed up.  Rudolph the reindeer isn't coming for many months, not until Christmas.  Duh!  I know that!  I just wanted to know when Rudolph the bunny rabbit was going to come hide my eggs!  I had a fun time dying eggs, and only spilled the yellow color.

Thanks Rudolph for my Easter Basket!
My patience pays off...another egg!
My seer-sucker suit
All the neighborhood kids before we were let loose to find the eggs

So, I mentioned Mama had some surgery.  I have been begging for a little brother or sister for quite some time. Understandably, Mama and Dada aren't so eager to repeat the scenarios surrounding my birth. Mama found a surgeon in Chicago who does a special procedure that helps prevent preterm labor, so she took it upon herself to get out there and have it done.  She did great, though I'm kind of sad she can't pick me up for a week or two.  She gets to have this week off work while her owie heals up.  Then, hopefully I will get a little sister out of this someday!  (I'm infatuated with little girls right now...boys are yucky!)


And after...

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