Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Third Labor - Conquered

I have now completed my third of twelve labors.  The first was successfully getting out of the womb alive.  The second was my release from the NICU.  And, now the third is that I am home from the hospital after my major tummy surgery.

You all know that I have had tummy troubles since I was born.  Medications didn't help, so finally, Mama and Daddy agreed that I should have surgery to see if that would help.  I was a willing participant, and even smiled as I was being carried by the nurse into the operating room last week.  I am just so optimistic that my tummy will feel better and that I will soon be able to enjoy all the yummy food that Mama is making for me.

On May 24th, I had a Nissen fundoplication and my gtube was replaced.  Mama was super nervous, but I was totally fine the whole time.  When the surgeon came out to talk to Mama and Daddy, he told them that he had also found a diaphragmatic hernia that he also repaired.  This means that part of my stomach was in my chest - and is probably at least partially responsible for my troubles.  Mama and Daddy were actually excited to hear this news, and felt vindicated at pushing hard for me to get the surgery.

Pre-op area
Psyching myself up for surgery
The surgery was the easy part, since I got to sleep the whole time.  Recovery has been more challenging, but I'm doing really well.  I spent four nights in the hospital and each day was a little better than the prior one.  I haven't vomited since the surgery, which is AMAZING!  I'm still having some trouble swallowing my saliva since there is still some swelling, but I think it will get better with time and patience.

In the recovery room
Woe is me!
Tough Hercules!

So sleepy with my Daddy

The two dudes
Daddy loves taking pictures of me...
I really don't like flashes...
Seriously Daddy, put down that camera!!!
Feeling better -playing with my toys.
A nice nap before going home. 
Uncle Ben & Aunt Aubree came to visit me! Thanks for my SF Giants hat!
Uncle Ben is listening to my secret advice

Grammie & Grandpa came to visit so Mama and Daddy could have a short break for brunch with their friends (and parents of twins almost my age!)...Noah & Emily

Another pic of me with Grandpa

Staying at the hospital reminded me how much I love my own bed and my own room!  (It reminded Mama and Daddy too!)  I missed Miss Heather & I missed my two kitties so much.

There was a wonderful surprise waiting for me at home...balloons from Gran!  I had never seen balloons before, so this was fascinating to me.  I dragged them around all day in my cart...absolutely mesmerizing...

My balloons from Gran!
Now, on to my fourth labor - conquering oral feeding & getting my gtube out!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Babies Gone Wild in San Diego

This past weekend started with dinner in Orinda with two of my favorite nurses.  April & Alyssa kept me alive after I entered the arena of life a "bit" too early!  They are so amazing and talented that it's no wonder that Mama and Daddy have become such good friends with them.  We try to see them every few months...and if Mama and Daddy are too busy, I demand it!

Me with Alyssa
Me with April
Then Mama and I spent the night near SF airport and took a flight out on Friday morning to San Diego.  I've never been there before, but I was happy to recognize sand which I discovered in Hawaii.  I finally met some really important people to Mama & Daddy, and I suspect they will be important in my life too!

We spent Friday afternoon & evening with my Uncle Kevin & Aunt Kendall & Cousin Logan.  I've heard of these people before, and Mama was showing me photos online too.  Logan is 10 weeks old now, so she's my baby cousin!  I'm so happy that I'm not the youngest in the family anymore.  Logan is so little that she can't sit up by herself yet, so I helped her!  Mama and Daddy tell me that I used to be even much smaller than Logan, but I don't believe them.  Mama and Auntie Kendall spent the afternoon talking about how to manage we "small fries" and generally about how awesome we are!  I'm sure they had nothing but glowing things to say about how amazing and cool we are!  Daddy flew into San Diego and met us for pizza at my cousin's house and we shared a lovely dinner.  I even got to sleep in Logan's bed...it's much pinker than mine!

Just chillin'

Me with my baby cousin Logan - it was nice to meet her, but it was nicer to meet her bow


want the bow...want the bow...

I got it!!!
I win!  Thankfully Logan didn't mind...

Mama & me with Auntie Kendall & Cousin Logan

Then we spent the rest of the weekend at Mama and Daddy's best college friends...Analeah & Ian.  Analeah & Ian helped Mama hook up with Daddy in College, so I owe my existence to them!  They have two little guys, Keeton & Jonah (ages 4 & 2), who are super cool!  I was so jealous that they could walk and talk and shoot basketball hoops and play with the doggie!  I can't wait to get bigger so that I can play around with them.  We spent Saturday morning at the zoo - Holy Cow!!!  That was amazing!  I loved the turtles and hippos especially since they came up so close to me.  And the panda was pretty cool too.  

My first time seeing flamingos

Ian, Keeton & Jonah with Daddy and me

Daddy showed me the giant panda

Analeah giving me a bath in the sink...with my clothes on!

Faucets are fascinating...

Story time for the men...no women allowed
After the zoo, Analeah's mom, Nana Gail, came down to watch us little dudes for the evening so Mama, Daddy, Analeah & Ian could go to dinner just like in the "good old days" that they reminisce about from college.  I was a superb dude and slept the whole night.  The grown ups had an amazing time together and missed us just a little bit. 

Analeah & Mama

Daddy & Mama with Analeah & Ian
Sunday was Mama's Day!  Daddy told me all about how important this day was for Mama.  Last year at this time, Mama was going through the worst time of her life.  She was so worried about whether I would survive (she still had doubts that I was really Hercules!), and she was so sick, that Mama's Day last year was just too stressful for her.  So, this year was a complete celebration of all we have accomplished in the past 12 months.  I am alive and amazing (not to be immodest), and Mama is my hero.  She is healthy and working so hard as a surgeon and a Mama to the most amazing small dude on earth (again, not to be immodest!).  Daddy & I picked out some really pretty outfits to give her on Mama's Day, but Mama told me that I was the best gift of all.  I gave her so many smiles and loves all day long.  It definitely was the best Mama's Day ever...my Mama told me so! 

The whole gang on Mama's Day!

First time at a jungle gym

Swings feed my desire for speed!

I'm racing Jonah to the top!

Loving this...

climbing over Daddy

Hanging out with Mama on her special Day

Practicing my walking

So that's all from my San Diego weekend.  Here are a few short videos of me: 

Doing my "Happy Dance"

Trying to get my toy off the floor

Inspecting my new retro-fitted cart

Oh...I'm having my tummy surgery tomorrow morning.  Mama and Daddy say it will help my tummy feel better so that I will want to become a foodie, just like them!  I promised to be brave...on to my next labor!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Eating....with Gran!

Hi everyone!

I know it's been a few weeks since I last wrote.  Apparently, I exhausted Mama with the length of my last dictation, so she's been slow to help me again.  But tonight, after I allowed her to have a glass of wine and was particularly good, she is translating for me again.

I settled back into life in Napa quite well after my sojourn in Hawaii.  Though I do miss the beaches, I have thrown myself into life at home with gusto!  My day goes like this:

Wake up at 8  (Mama and Heather give me milk at 6:30, but thanks to my gtube, I sleep through this).
Play time until 9:30 - this is when I practice sitting up, reaching for things, pulling up to stand, taking some (assisted) steps.
9:30 - breakfast!
10:30-noon - nap
12:  Lunch
12:30-2:30:  Playtime - this is when I get to run around in my little cart. I am so good at this now - turning tight corners, chasing my parents and the kitties, and generally getting into everything.
(Actually, Mama just had the house Hercules-proofed last weekend, after I was zooming around in my cart & opened the liquor cabinet & presented Mama with a bottle of Orange Curacao!)
2:30:  Snack
3:00-4:30:  Naptime
4:30-6:00:  Playtime!
6:00:  bath
6:30:  reading with Mama & Daddy & bedtime milk
7:00:  bedtime
9&11pm:  Mama gives me more milk while I rest peacefully!

Now that I can stand up, I can get into everything!  This drawer wasn't Hercules-proofed!

Oh - I've also started going with my nanny Heather to a daycare down the street for about an hour a few times a week.  Mama & Daddy decided that I need to "socialize"...whatever that means.  Basically, I sit around and watch the big kids run all over the place and make a huge ruckus...but I like it.  I guess it's what grown-ups call "people-watching".

Me with my friend Levi

So, I bet you're all wondering how my eating is going.  I'm doing pretty well.  I am definitely enjoying my cereal, and Mama has gotten creative with some homemade millet, oatmeal, and barley cereals.  I've also tried avocado & sweet potato and am not a fan of either.  My feeding therapist, Anne, tells me that it takes 20 tries before I decide if I really like something or not, so I'll keep trying!  Mama tells me that I get to start squash, peas, and carrots soon.  While that sounds interesting, I would much rather have bananas and mangoes...but everyone says I need to eat my veggies first!  Grrrr.....Hercules should get his own way!  I still am having some reflux, but my spit ups are much better.  I still may need to have some surgery to help my tummy, but we won't know for another 6-8 weeks.

Gran helping me eat my cereal

My new "hands-free" method of eating

This week, my Gran also came to visit for the whole week.  I have so much fun with her!  She bought me a really soft monkey that is my buddy, and a new book called "Pat the Bunny" which has fun textures for me to sink my curious fingers into.  I absolutely love feeling all sorts of new things...especially feeling how they are in my mouth!  My two bottom teeth are now completely in, but they continue to surprise & amaze me...I run my tongue over them all the time and giggle because they feel so funny.  I also enjoyed chasing Gran in my cart...I'm faster than she is, so she may need to see a podiatrist for broken toes when she goes home!  She helped Mama so much this week, especially the early morning and the late-night feeds, so Mama could get some more sleep.  Thanks Gran!

Mama and me on our way to a fundraiser for a Tanzanian Hospital...hence the zebra outfit (Thanks Marilyn!)

After my bath, with Gran

My signature hands-behind-the-ears pose

Big eyes...giving Monkey a ride in my car

Thanks for my monkey, Gran!
                                   Mama is ridiculously clever (and annoying sometimes)...

Why won't my cart go outside?