Friday, January 20, 2023

Declan Hercules: A slightly less belated Thanksgiving, and New Orleans!

 Mama is catching up with all these posts, and now we move on to November.  I had a slow start to getting used to my new school, but at this point I am enjoying it.  I've made some good friends, and also so thankful that my best friend, Haines, transferred with me.  There is definitely a lot more homework, which I still don't like, but I'm getting more organized and getting better at being efficient.  

Gran came out to visit for Thanksgiving, which has become a bit of a tradition for us.  We got to show her our new school, and the new baby chickens.  We had a lovely Thanksgiving with Gran, Gee & Grandpa and some good friends who have been joining us for years now (the Romps & the Li families)!  We had all the standard foods, but Mama has gotten quite smart and bought 6 turkey legs so we don't have to argue over them!   

                                                                                        A lovely visit with Gran

All the grown ups
The kiddos:  Keevah, Felix, Declan, Ian & Anika

 I should also explain why Mama has been so incredibly busy - she is starting her own private practice with her partner Dr. Montague.  Here is a picture of them signing their final paperwork to purchase their new office building.  She launches the new business in March, so there have been a lot of details for her to work on before then.  

Another quick aside:  Keevah Nyx is doing awesome at her Tae Kwon Do - she just got her advanced green belt! 

The day after Thanksgiving, we quickly transitioned to Christmas preparation as we do every year.  We went to Steve's trees with Gran and picked out the perfect tree.  We spent the rest of that weekend getting the tree and house decorated.  I helped Dada as usual up on the roof to get the lights on the outside.  The house always looks so so pretty!  

We also squeezed in a quick trip to Tahoe around Thanksgiving, and enjoyed some early snow!  

With Gee & Grandpa

AND, in other big news, we got a NEW PUPPY!  Yep - as if we don't have enough animals already, we now have a beautiful Bernedoodle named Atlas.  Spirit and Chaos took awhile to get used to their new little brother, but now everyone gets along (mostly).  He joins our two rabbits, 4 fish, and 15 chickens! Atlas was a surprise for Dada, and somehow we all managed to keep it a secret for months.  

Three dogs and three humans...
First pic of all three at the same time


The following weekend, we headed to New Orleans for our friend Barclay's wedding.  I had never been to Louisiana, and neither had Mama, so it was a fun adventure!  We enjoyed amazing food: lots of oysters (my favorite!), red beans & rice, jambalaya, and the most yummy beignets at Cafe du Monde.   We ate at both Commander's Palace and restaurant August, and loved them both.  My favorite part of the weekend was a swamp tour on an air boat - there were so many alligators, both small and large!  I couldn't believe how fast the boats went, and that they could go over land too! I also learned that gators like marshmellows!  We spent a lovely day on a full car tour of the city, enjoying City Park, the sculpture gardens, Jackson Square, the French Quarter, the Audobon Zoo and a fabulous gallery that had two Picasso paintings.  I am begging Mama and Dada for a real Picasso for Christmas, but they tell me not to get my hopes up! Keevah's favorite part of the trip was our night time mule ride Ghost tour of the French Quarter.  There are a LOT of ghost stories in New Orleans!  The wedding was lovely with lots of dancing and friends, and an awesome second line band.  

Mule carriage ride in French Quarter                                  Jackson Square       

Sculpture Garden in City Park                    French Quarter 

                         beignet's at Cafe du Monde                                 climbing trees in City Park                               
                                                    All spiffed up for Mr. Barclay's wedding

fun second line at Barclay's wedding

Whelp...Dada lost his front tooth (an old crown that fell off) now both Dada and Keevah get to sing the song together...

a random walk with the dogs

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