Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Keevah Nyx: Our Italian & Jordanian adventures

 Whew!  We just got back from a 19 day amazing adventure through Italy and Jordan.  Our first major vacation since Covid, and coming after cancellations of Portugal, Morocco and Paris.  Uncle Ben & Auntie Aubree have lived in Amman for 9 years, and are fluent in Arabic, so it was definitely high time that we paid them a visit.  I missed my cousins so much!  And since Declan & I love pizza, pasta, and volcanos, we went to Italy "on the way to Jordan"!  We missed school to enjoy this trip, but we learned SO MUCH on our journey - and it was so awesome to have Mama & Dada to ourselves for so long.  

At SF airport - we managed the whole 3 weeks in just carry on luggage!

Thanks to airline miles, we had business class seats - and we ALL slept for many hours on the way to Rome.

The first day in Rome involved a golf cart tour of the city - a sure-fire way to make sure we couldn't complain about sore legs!  

The Roman Forum

Caesar forum.  We also toured the Catacombs, but couldn't take photos down there!

We loved the Trevi fountain...

and tossed in a coin to make sure we come back some day!

Day 2 involved a full day in Vatican City.  We had private tours of the Vatican Museums and St Peter's Basilica. 

The maps room

Hercules & Hercules

View of Rome from top of St. Peter's

The mosaics are so amazing -no paintings in the entire church!

Dreaming of pasta 

A wonderful Roman restaurant

Enjoying the streets and eats of Roma

Pasta for the win

Salumeria con Ruscioli

Day 3 involved an amazing tour of the Colosseum- we had special passes to go out on the arena floor and the underground level.  We saw the special elevators used to lift the animals to the arena, and learned so much about the Roman Empire and the destruction that was done to the arena by the Catholic Church! All the marble from the Colosseum is now part of St Peter's Basillica! 

Our hotel was right next to the Pantheon - so we walked right by it many times! 

Rooftop lounge at our hotel in Rome

We spent an afternoon at Gladiator School! 

The swords and shields were so heavy!

After 3 days in Rome, we took the high speed train from Rome to Naples, and then had a private child-friendly tour of Pompeii.  We spent a few hours hiking to the top of Mt. Vesuvius as well!  

Declan LOVED the volcano - it was outgassing a bit, and it trembles a bit every day.  

You can see Pompeii and Sorrento from the top

In Pompeii 

An ancient water fountain

Preserved body

Ancient crosswalk!

After a long hot day of volcano visiting, we ended in Positano, on the Amalfi Coast.  It is known for its lemons and its leather, and we got some of each! 

We spent a day touring the coast by land - stopping for lunch in Ravello, and loving the picturesque views.  The limoncello and gelato were delicious as well!


Emerald Grotto

We also spent an entire day touring the Amalfi Coast by private boat.  We had an amazing captain, who is actually the captain of a 4,000 person cruise ship most of the year, but does these private tours on his time off!  We stopped by many grottos and swimming areas, and spent a long time touring around Capri.

The blue grotto - it is really so so blue! The only way to enter is on a TINY rowboat, where they pull you in via a cable attached to a very low small entrance, and you have to lay flat on the bottom of the boat so you don't hit your head! Listening to the boat owners singing Italian love songs inside is pretty special! 

Mama and I got custom Sandals made! It was so hard to decide which style and types of leather to use! 

After 3 days on the Amalfi Coast, it was time to fly up to Venice to finish our Italian vacation.  We had a lovely hotel very close to San Marco Square, and spent an entire day just walking the streets of Venice (and getting lost!)  

Boat tour of Venice - enjoying the Rialto Bridge

We also spent a whole afternoon in a private mask-making workshop! Declan picked out a traditional middle-ages Doctor (bird) mask, and I picked out a Fox.  

Applying hot glue and silver leaf designs

The finished product - I made my fox mask wearing a mask!

The pizza was to die for - especially after miles and miles of walking!

Mama and Declan over the Grand Canal

The Rialto fish market

One of the many leaning towers in Venice!

We did a full day private boat tour out to Murano and Burano islands, and Declan got to captain the boat for a bit!

Burano island - known for lace making and colorful homes

Amazing glass blowing in Murano

The Bridge of Sighs at the Doge's Palace

Relaxing by the Grand Canal

Loving my Dada

After saying goodbye to Venice, we hopped on a flight to Amman, Jordan.  Uncle Ben was right there waiting for us at the airport!  It was so good to give and receive hugs from him! 

We stayed at his house for 3 nights, and had a wonderful time playing with our cousins Rinnah, Providence and Antalya.  We got to know more about their daily lives, met some of their friends, and tried not to panic at their driving! 

Enjoying breakfast with Rinnah & Providence

Did you know that there are tons of Roman ruins in Jordan?  This is called the Citadel and is right in downtown Amman!

The Dead Sea is only 30 minutes away from our cousins' home!  We got to ride our first camels from the parking area to the sea!

And it is SUPER crazy that you cannot sink in the Dead Sea! What a wild experience!  It stings every opening in your body a bit, but it was totally worth it! We also wallowed in the Dead Sea mud!

After 3 days in Amman, we drove to Petra.  Our minds were all completely blown after walking thru the Siq (slot canyon) to face the Treasury.  We learned so much about the ancient civilization, and couldn't believe that all of these structures were made without the use of any motors or electricity! 

We got on camels again at the Treasury.  Do we look like we are straight out of Indiana Jones?

We went all the way to the Monastery, but had some help from donkeys! 

One of the many spectacularly large royal tombs

An ancient amphitheater

After a long long day in Petra, we drove to Aqaba (Tala Bay to be specific), right on the Red Sea.  We spent a few days just enjoying the beach and the pools.  Such special cousin bonding time!  

Declan and Uncle Ben having a great chat

It was a bit windy at the Red Sea though!

Declan, Antalya, Rinnah, me, and Providence

Rinnah and Keevah relaxing during pool day

Cousin water slide

Mama & Auntie Aubree with Provs, Declan, Rinnah and Keevah

Cousin jump!

The whole gang

Mama & Uncle Ben

How most days ended! 

Our final stop - Wadi Rum.  An amazing rose-colored dessert with shockingly steep rock formations & plateaus

At the end of a super narrow slot canyon

Huge sand dunes!

Queen of the mountain

Our handsome dude!

The tent in Wadi rum!  So amazing to see the stars all night!

The whole gang on camels! 

A little rock climbing in the desert

Auntie Aubree with all the littles

We flew home via Istanbul, where we spent the night in an airport hotel. We are safely home now and back at school for 2 weeks before it finishes for the year.  We made so many memories that we will remember forever!  The next BIG trip is Tanzania in January! 

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