Friday, June 5, 2020

Declan Hercules: Quarantine craziness

Whole family, including Spirit, modeling our masks
Mama staffing Covid-19 respiratory clinic
Phew - what a crazy few months this has been!  I want covid-19 to go away fast!  I have been missing my friends and missing school...especially since my school is closing FOR GOOD, and I'll be starting third grade at a different school in the Fall.  Keevah Nyx and Spirit have been living their best lives with so much extra attention at home...and I'm enjoying time here too, but I miss my buddies and my activities!  We missed seeing Gee & Grandpa for a few months, so thankfully they have finally started to come back for visits.  And we couldn't go on our trip to Portugal & Morocco, which made us pretty sad.  There have definitely been some really cool things happening too.  First, Dada has been home every single day, which is AMAZING!  We are also now completely settled in our new home, and spent time decorating my bedroom and making some improvements around the house.  We built a swing and a rope ladder, and I'm loving practicing my fencing and light-sabering on the deck.   
We have been doing science experiments, arts & crafts projects, cooking more, hiking, target shooting practice, hunting for arrow heads locally, and putting on magic shows/dance performances/music performances, etc! 

First Easter at the new house

Working on a solar system project to hang in both our rooms
New rope ladder for the climbing tree

Out on a hike in Napa
Declan, Keevah and Haines - holding small lizards!

Practicing my aim with Great-Granddads shotgun
Not bad for my first time!
Target practice with clay pigeons

We found so many arrowheads! 
Enjoying beautiful Napa evening
I made a chart of all my fossils
Sissy made up her own joke...

New swing in the backyard
Keevah also made her own zipline.  With a lot of time at home, a lot gets destroyed or messy! 

Keevah is crazy - here's another trick

...and another creation...

We created a cool invention!

Middle of summer...dressed in ski clothes to scooter inside...

Here are a series of Keevah Nyx making the most of her dress up box...she is absolutely nuts!

Twins with bunny
With Clare
Spirit, the princess bride... 
Mama asked her to get dressed...this is what happened...
Bat girl...
Tolerant bat-dog
Rainbow hair chalk, and wearing Mama's dress from 1982

Science experiment!

Light sabering with Dada

One of MANY shows and performances for Mama & Dada

...take two...

Mama and Dada also let us get chickens!  We have 13 chickens and are working on building a chicken coop.   They won't lay eggs for a bit, but we're having fun letting them out on the bocce ball court and the deck...and Keevah keeps taking them for rides in her electric Lamborghini.   Current names include Repecka, Princess Layer, Love Bug, Chicken Nugget, Black Bear, Tweety, Albus, Lucky, and Mama's favorite Mother Clucker!  

              They've arrived!!!

          Keevah singing lullabies to the chickens

A girl and her chick...
Two cute chicks...
Trying to read with Lucky
Haines & me with chickens
Someone is hitching a ride with Spirit
A magic show! 

Chickens keep showing up places...
Batgirl taking her chicken for a ride

is it Chickens or sickens?

We have been connecting with our family and friends through Zoom and Facetime - mostly this is great...but sometimes it is too much Zoom!  We are having weekly cousin calls and frequent grandparent calls.  Mama and Dada are connecting with their friends as well - sometimes TOO much!

Friends Zoom for Armageddon Whisky Wednesdays...

The Crazy Coltons...

The House family!
Mama & Dada hiding out in the wine limits to kids!
Mama and Dada on their 15th Anniversary over Memorial Day weekend
Breakfast in bed for Mother's Day
Family matching Christmas jammies on a random day in May
Mama with her bouncing baby boy...
Finishing Book 6 of Harry Potter - Keevah sound asleep
Sissy and Dada sound asleep...
Mama gave us new jobs - now we know how to clean our own bathrooms! 
Gee & Grandpa came again after a 3 month absence...we missed them so much, and made up for lost time!

AND - I saved the best for last.  We are getting our new puppy tomorrow!  He's the same kind as Spirit, just a little smaller.  


Here he is!  Name to be determined! 

Wow!  We got behind with posts somehow!  This summer, we are still working on our plans.  I'm starting private fencing lessons next week, continuing my online tutoring, swimming in our neighbors pool, working on home improvements.  It looks like many camps are cancelled, but Connolly Ranch is still happening, so i'm excited about that.  We've also started a small quaran-team, so I get to see about 3 friends finally.  Sit tight for updates on the new puppy! 

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