Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Keevah Nyx: Granddad & Boppy, Disneyland, and a Global Pandemic

Well, the world has changed so much in the last few weeks, it's hard to know where to begin.  Not even three weeks ago, Granddad and Boppy came up from Pasadena for a nice long weekend visit.  We loved showing them our new home, and introducing them to Spirit.  Our Christmas present from them was a full day trip to a friend's farm (Gale Ranch) in Petaluma.  Dada had to travel, and Mama had a whole day to herself! We loved our time at the ranch, feeding cows, petting lambs, gathering eggs, driving tractors and visiting the greenhouse!  It was a really special day - and we can't wait to go back.  We celebrated Dada's 42nd birthday with everyone, he's getting so old...i can't even count that high!

Granddad & Boppy came to visit - and Spirit photobombed
Our trip to the Gale Ranch

Mama & Dada with Granddad & Boppy and Gee & Grandpa for Dada's 42nd birthday dinner
We love Spirit! 

Right after they left, we had time with just Mama as Dada had to travel to a work meeting.  We had a whole fun day of crafting and playing...complete with jacuzzi time and mocktails on the deck.  

I love wearing my fancy dress whenever I can! 
Jacuzzi time!
Cock(Mock)tail time!

DH giving a light saber show on the deck
Showing off my beautiful artwork
Mama drew Declan a picture of Yoda! 
 Then Dada met us in Disneyland!  This was our big Christmas present from Mama and Dada, and I'm so glad we were able to squeeze it in right before the whole place closed down!  We walked 10 miles on day 1, and 12 miles on day 2, and I never complained!  Mama can't figure out why I can't go on a 1 mile hike at home without constant whining...but if we had rides in Napa, I wouldn't complain!  The big highlight was the Matterhorn - we did at least 10 rides on that thing - which is not scary at all (because I'm not afraid of anything!).  Also loved Splash Mountain, Big Thunder Railroad, and Pirates of the Caribbean.  We were so sad that our prior favorite ride, The Haunted House, was closed for renovation, but that just means that we'll have to go back!  The new Star Wars Land was also super cool - and we got to build our own light sabers, which we have been playing with non-stop! 

Mickey Waffles anyone??
Shooting range
Astro Orbiter
Declan may not get his Driver's license for awhile!

Buzz Lightyear Astro Blasters
We met Rey! 

Millennium Falcon
Savi's workshop
Making our own light sabers

Ogg's Cantina Star Wars land

           So many Storm Troopers! 

I met R2D2!

It's a small world after all! 

Showing off my light- up gold high-tops

Disneyland Parade - Alebrijes! 
I loved seeing Elsa & Anna! 
Fancy dinner after day #1 - Declan and I fell asleep before our food arrived, watch showing 10 miles walked, Manhattan in Mama's hand.  

Two zonked out kids - happy parents!
Water slide at the hotel - cause I'm not afraid of anything! 

Mama wrestling with us in the pool

Back into the park at night to meet Mickey! 

...and Minnie! 

Dada came home with us after Disneyland, while Mama had a girls weekend in Ojai with her medical school friends.  She even did bee-keeping!  

Mama with about 10,000 bees! 
Dada took us on a hike and let me get dressed.  I tricked him and wore tights as pants - he can't tell the difference (but Mama did when he sent her the picture! 

The very next weekend, we went to Tahoe with a few friends - the Gilberts & the Barbers.  Day 1 was completely brown dirt, and then by the end of the weekend, there were 3 feet of snow!  We had an absolute blast with snowball fights, making snowmen, sledding and jacuzzi-ing!  I do think that Spirit had the most fun of all - he is definitely the abominable snow dog! 

Haines & Declan on the trampoline
Day 1 - not a cloud in sight - Haines and Declan 
Hiking with Dada
Turning logs into balance beams daily
Haines & Declan - let it snow! 
Last of the winter! 
Snowball fight prep
Haines, Declan, Natalie, Me & Corinne
Couldn't wait for there to be more snow - meet our giant filthy snowman! 
Spirit was a happy happy dog

Sledding fun!
more happy doggie moments

Abominable snow dog

While in Tahoe, we got the word that school is cancelled indefinitely due to a crazy bad germy virus that can make people sick.  Dada and Miss Tiffany stocked up on groceries - and now we are apparently locked down for a long time.  No matter though - we are happy with more land now and a nice view, and I'm just happy to be home with Mama and Dada and Declan and Spirit all the time!  Brother and I are supposed to be doing a lot of school work, and we're doing our best.  We've also gotten pretty good at Zoom and Facetime calls with friends and family!  

Dada & Miss Tiffany Armageddon shopping...
So, now the world is changed for a bit.  We are going to settle in at home, get versed in home-schooling, get some decorations on the walls, do some arts/crafts, baking, landscaping, etc.  Mama and Dada want to put in our vegetable garden...and guess what else she did?  She bought us a new baby puppy - going to be born in just a few weeks! I'm taking name suggestions!
Mama and Dada enjoying Quarantinis!

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