Monday, September 3, 2018

Declan Hercules: Summer ends, First Grade begins!

Matching Doctor PJs
August flew by so quickly!  I finished my last two weeks of summer with a week at Connolly Ranch camp, and an outdoor camp at a State Park by my house.  I loved making new friends, gardening, caring for the animals at the Ranch, doing archery, fort building, etc.  We also spent a bit of time in Elk Grove with Gee & Grandpa. 

With Noah at Connolly Ranch
Baby Goats!

I love the chickens!
With Noah & Haines

Enjoying a water park with Gee & Grandpa
Playing with Auntie Kelly
Gee, Keevah & Declan

And then, all of a sudden, it was time for school to start!  I was pretty nervous about finding out what class I was going to be in.  The night before school started, our entire family drove to the school to meet my friend Haines to check the classroom lists.  Guess what?  Haines and I are in the same class...and we have an awesome teacher, Ms. Diemoz!  Can you believe I'm in FIRST GRADE??? I have loved going to school every day, and am already learning so much.  We have daily reading assignments, so I'm working hard on it!  We have gardening at school, spanish class, and I'm doing Chess after school on Tuesdays still. 
Where's my name???
Declan & Haines
First Day of First Grade!
Keevah had to be in the picture too!
First Grade teacher, Ms. Diemoz
I've also started with piano lessons, and I'm liking them so far!  I want to take guitar lessons too, but Mama is making sure I get better at reading music before taking up a second instrument.  I'm continuing with swimming twice a week after school too, and getting better and better!  

Dada had to travel a bit this month, so Mama took us to the Oakland Zoo to meet some friends, and we also did some fun projects at home.  

Declan, Keevah, Felix, Liam & Ana Sophia
Train at the zoo
Condor wings!
Checking out the giraffes
A bunch of monkeys!
Me & Felix figuring out the map
Two headed turtle!
Cal Academy of Science, SF (check out our coordinating space outfits!)
Painting like Claud Monet
Homemade hourglass
Homemade kinetic sand!

Took awhile, but I can tie my shoes now!

How we get to the park efficiently!

What can possibly go wrong??


  1. Great pics. The one of Declan and Keevah on the same scooter was unreal. I can’t believe Keevah stayed on it. Good work Declan—that takes balance.
