Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Declan Hercules: May craziness

Playing in a lemon tree...
Nyx too...
Wow!  How has it been 6 weeks since we last wrote?  Mama had her most recent surgery (exchange of tissue expanders, placement of permanent implants) on May 10th, so we've gotten a bit behind!  She's doing really well, and was back to work a few weeks later.  Meanwhile, life didn't stop (or even slow down) at all!
Done with surgery #3! 
The biggest thing that happened is that I finished Kindergarten!  I loved my class, and my teacher Mrs. Mitchell, so much...I'm happy to graduate, but sad to move on.

Our end of the year performance

With Mrs. Mitchell

 I celebrated the end of the school year in so many ways!
I've launched some rockets (built by me & Dada!)...

With friend Felix & family...

from the rocket's point-of-view

...learned to ride my bike (I know...a bit late...but I wasn't really interested until now!)...

started piano lessons...

so, we don't have pictures of me during a lesson...but I love falling asleep to Mozart, and can frequently be spotted on the monitor playing air-piano in bed...

...went to Tahoe with Gee and Grandpa, and my really good friend Haines and his family...
Hiking in South Lake Tahoe
Sissy with her Tahoe stuffies all lined up
singing happy birthday to her stuffies...
Boat ride on Angora Lake with Haines & his dad

Nyx enjoying Angora too
Matching jammies with Gee & Grandpa
...had my first sleepover (also with Haines!)...

slip and slide with Haines, Dada, and Keevah...none of us quite figured it out...

marshmellow roasting
watching Star Wars, episode 6 (while wearing a sombrero of course!)

...Lost my front tooth ($5.00 for my college fund)...

spent a weekend in San Francisco...
Ocean beach with friends
Aquarium of the Bay for the first time. 

In the octopus bubble
octopus on the move

hello turtle!

feeding the rays...
hello funny otters!
SF bay

...and I spent my first whole WEEK away from home without Mama and Dada!   Gee & Grandpa took me to St. Louis for a really awesome science/engineering grandparent camp.  We explored the many museums there, checked out the river, visited the Arch, built robots, visited the Butterfly House, launched rockets, built forts, and had a popcorn & movie pajama party!
robotics course
Go robot, Go!

Butterfly house

On the river with Gee...looking for bald eagles
The Arch

Meanwhile, back at home, Sissy was enjoying life as an only child.  (she apparently adapted quite well!).  She's still completely independent and crazy, but also a super bright and funny and (sometimes) loving little monster.

She's nearly potty-trained...and so are all her animals. 
She likes to dress herself:  boots, froggy gloves & hat, and Blue dog stuffie wearing her coat
So, she had heard this book only twice, and now she knows all the words (of every page)

speaking of potty-training...Keevah LOVES her car potty

being silly - yogurt in her eye!

loving Dada

...and she knows the words to most songs.  She's quite the showboat; check out the head shaking and eyes closing...she's really feeling that "zippety do dah!"

We also found a bit of time for rock climbing.  We're trying to get Nyx involved in climbing in a constructive (rather than destructive) way. 

We also threw in a Father's Day celebration!  

Whew!  So many cool things!  I'm spending the summer in a variety of camps.  I've already done a week of art camp, and am just finishing my week at Harry Potter camp.  Stay tuned for our next adventures:  Gran comes for a visit,  Fourth of July celebrations, I turn SEVEN,  and then we head to Alisal with Granddad & Boppy.

With my art at the end of Art Lab camp; the theme this year was Mexico!

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