Friday, May 11, 2018

Keevah Nyx: Disneyland & the Western Festival

Mama just had another surgery to swap out her evil tissue expanders for her new implants, and is recovering at home for two weeks.  I'm weirdly fascinated with her "owies" and kind of love her being home more right now.  I still get to go to school every day which I am loving!  I'm talking up a storm, speaking in whatever concern the grown ups had about my language was completely unfounded. I was just biding my time to surprise them with full sentences.  I am still fiercely independent, love gymnastics and love my brother. 

We had an amazing surprise last week.  After work on Tuesday, Mama picked us up at home and started driving.  She wouldn't tell us where we were going, but we finally ended up at the airport.  Dada met us there, and we boarded our flight!  When we landed, we were at Disneyland!!!  Mama and Dada surprised us with a trip to Disneyland since we have been so good with all of Mama's surgeries!  We spent two whole days enjoying both parks.  Declan Hercules wanted to go straight to the Haunted House, which he remembered from our visit 2 years ago. We ended up on that ride four times, and it turned out to be my favorite too!  I keep asking to watch videos of it now that we're home.  Declan went on all the big boy rides, but there was still plenty for me to enjoy as well.  In fact, I made my very first ever spontaneous proclamation of joy, saying out loud to Mama and Dada, "Self like this, this is fun!!!".  (I pretty much always refer to myself as "self"...and remember I'm pretty stoic, generally refusing to smile for photos, so this shocked them!)  We squeezed in some time to enjoy the hotel pool, and Granddad came up for a quick swim and dinner as well.  Somehow we made it from sun-up to fireworks each night, without naps, and having fun the whole time!

The Happiest Place on Earth!
All dressed for our fun day!
The Haunted House - everyone's favorite!

Mama and Declan (and random people) on Splash Mountain

Small World
Finding Nemo submarine voyage
Buzz Lightyear AstroBlasters
Jungle Cruise
                           I'm driving the front car with Dada, while Declan is driving Mama

Whinnie the Pooh
I wouldn't let go of Minnie Mouse!
Chip...or Dale...
...and Rabbit
Dada having fun too!
Mama and Declan front row on the Cars ride
Declan on Space Tours
Declan on a climbing course at California Adventure Park
Granddad came for dinner
...and some swimming...
This is how I felt the whole trip!  Soooooo happy!!!!
 We landed in SF and drove straight to Gee & Grandpa's house in Elk Grove for a few days for the Western Festival.  The parade wasn't super exciting for the grownups, but I still had fun.  Mostly I just loved my red cowgirl boots!  We met up with Auntie Kelly, Cousins Allysha, Addison, and Sereana, and my "first cousin once removed" Connor - who is exactly my age!  We had a great time hanging out in the pool at Gee & Grandpa's house, and enjoying the games and festivities at the park.

All set for the parade
Declan, me, and cousin Connro
Me and big brother with Gee & Grandpa
The whole gang watching the parade
I am a crazy water baby
Pony rides!
Carrosel with Gee
Fireman Declan!

Brother got a tour of the helicopter too!
Declan and Connor at the Rhodes School house that Great Grammie and Great Papa restored
Dada and brother trying to take each other down!

After that crazy week, it was time to come home and head back for a normal week of school, just in time for Mama's surgery!   Here she is right before she was wheeled back, but she's already home with us. 

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