Monday, January 15, 2018

Declan Hercules: Santa Claus is coming to town!

Sorry I've been so late in getting this blog posted, but Mama had some urgent surgery in December that threw off the whole month (though she tried really hard to hide it from us!).  We did all the fun stuff, she just didn't have a spare second to help me document my second-favorite month of the year (October is my favorite!).  

We started the month after our Thanksgiving visit from Gran when we got our tree.  We loved having the pine smell in the house, and examining all the ornaments daily.  Every one is from Mama or Dada's childhood, homemade, or ones that we have purchased as a family on our various trips. I love reliving the memories from our trips to so many cool places like Paris, New York, Chicago, Seattle, Monterey, Hawaii, etc!  

Mama's Perfect evening:  kids in matching PJs, holiday music on, Holiday decorations, and Vesper martini
A new member visited our family this year.  Pit, our new Elf-on-a-shelf showed up unexpectedly one day, and continued to surprise me every morning with his new tricks.  He reported our good behavior to Santa each night!  

Pit arrived on a parachute made of coffee filter paper with a train of marshmellows
Mischevious on day 2

Snow angel
Gone fishing

Gone sledding
King of the castle
Grafitti artist
Harry Potter

Sweet tooth, drinking maple syrup
Googly  eyes on everything...
Last day.
We missed the Santa Train this year due to Mama's surgery being that very same day (also her 40th birthday!), but I was so lucky to go to the Nutcracker in San Francisco again this year.  I absolutely love it, and still listen to the soundtrack frequently and watch videos of it on YouTube.  Keevah Nyx had to stay home with Gee & Grandpa, but hopefully she can come soon...right now, she would probably try to jump on the stage and eat a sugarplum!

At the SF ballet

We did get to meet Santa in Napa this year.  I was so excited and went right up to him and told him my Christmas requests.  Keevah was somewhat skeptical, but in typical Nyx fashion, she sucked it up and sat on his lap without crying at all.  She gave Santa some sideways glances, but generally pretended he wasn't there and tolerated him until rescued. 

I had my first ever school holiday performance at Mount George.  I'm still loving my new elementary school, and my teacher Mrs. Mitchell.  Our class sang a few songs to a whole load of parents three times in the same day.  It was only the day after Mama's surgery, but she came too!  

Gee and Grandpa came to Napa a bit before Christmas to help celebrate Keevah Nyx's second birthday.  I can't believe she's such a big girl already!  She is talking up a storm, usually in single word demands, but sometimes in 2-3 word phrases.  She is running around like crazy and still climbing everything (like up the OUTSIDE of our stairs).  She is starting school in a few weeks, which is completely crazy! 

The birthday girl
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Christmas/Keevah birthday with Gee & Grandpa

Treasure hunt with Gee & Grandpa:  my gift is a whole week-long science trip with them to St. Louis in June
On Christmas Eve (Mama's note: actually it was the 23rd this year, we moved everything up a day since we were leaving to Hawaii on the 25th), we had so many fun traditions!  We went to look at some very beautiful Christmas lights in Napa, followed by dinner at the FARM restaurant.  Keevah Nyx did so great too this year...she loved the twinkle lights, and ate along with the rest of us at the restaurant for a four course dinner without falling apart.  We got home and read 'Twas the Night Before Christmas (the original edition, I'm told), set out eggnog, cookies and veggies for Santa & the reindeer (though Keevah ate one of his cookies!)...and headed off to a late bedtime. 

Half-way decent family photo xmas eve 
Mama and Keevah

Matching Christmas jammies
Half-way decent kids photo
What every photo session devolves into

What happens when photos continue
Holiday lights viewing before Christmas Eve dinner

Dinner at the FARM

'Twas the Night before Christmas 

Cookies, veggies, and eggnog for Santa and his reindeer
Nyx ate the cookies...

When I awoke in the morning (Mama;  at the thankfully late hour of 8:30!), I was the first to go get up my little sister.  I carried her out of her room and we crept downstairs to see if Santa had come.
He had!  And he left so many gifts! 
We opened stockings, then had breakfast. I helped Mama make cinnamon rolls the night before, and they were DELICIOUS!  Then we opened the rest of the gifts. Keevah had so much fun this year - helping to open everyones gifts, and then trying to steal them all.
I got the only two things I put on my list:  Harry Potter Book 2 and a book of Chuck Jones' drawings! 
I also was so lucky to get a two-wheeled scooter, a bunch of legos, some fossils, and a programable robot. I was sooo sooo happy!
Keevah Nyx got a new stuffed fox, some science-themed dresses, a robot caterpillar and a new scoot bike.  We spent the rest of the day playing with our spoils and eventually passed out happy exhausted ragamuffins.
Santa was here! 
Digging into our stockings

Framed original Chuck Jones drawings given to Dada by the man himself >30 years ago
Keevah Nyx so excited about her new bike
My new programable robot, Dash
#1 on my wish list! 
Keevah's new fox


Taking her new wheels out for a spin
Christmsa shenanigans
leisurely afternoon of reading Harry Potter
Mama and Dada enjoying Prime Rib Christmas Dinner

We woke up on the 25th (the Day after Christmas for us), and went to the airport for a visit to Kauai for almost 2 weeks.  I have so many amazing things to tell you about that trip, but that will be left for Keevah Nyx in the next post.

1 comment:

  1. Daughter, you put together great posts....time and time again!
