Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Declan Hercules: Crazy May!

Wow!  So much has happened this month already, and it's not even over yet!  

My month started with our last weekend in Tahoe for the ski season.  I got in a few more days on the mountain with the Spring snow.  I'm getting better and better using my poles and going down hard blues, and easy black diamonds. Miss Cara and my friend Clare joined us for part of the weekend! Uncle Hans came to our cabin too, but unfortunately we had to leave after a quick lunch with him since I had school the next day.  

We love Tahoe!
Keevah at our Tahoe Cabin
Nyx found another thing to climb!
Clare and I built a tee-pee
Sissy didn't wait until the count of three!
Clare and I swinging in the prettiest spot on Earth!

A pretty walk
Best friends!
The next weekend, Granddad & Boppy came up for a visit from Pasadena.  We had a great time, though unfortunately Keevah Nyx was sick with an ear infection.  I showed Granddad and Boppy all my projects, and they even helped me start a (small) fire with my magnifying glass.  They got to see one of my t-ball games, and then I took everyone to Parent Tea at school.  I worked with my friends and teachers at school to brew our own mint tea and make some snacks.  Then, I served each person in my group individually after they picked what they wanted on their menu.  I had to work extra hard since I had so many grown ups with me...but I did a great job!  

Granddad, Boppy, Keevah and Me at French Laundry (I don't know why they wouldn't let me eat there!!!)
Enjoying a fire in our backyard with Granddad and Boppy
Go Granddad, Go!
Boppy and me! (Don't worry, I'm actually really happy, I just forget how to arrange my face for the camera sometimes!)

Making a fire with Granddad using my magnifying glass
I love my Dada!
Helping to plate food at Parent Tea with my teacher, Miss Gloria
Mama, Dada, Keevah Nyx, me, Granddad, and Boppy at Parent Tea
The Sunday that Granddad and Boppy left, we met Mr. Bill and my friend Clare for a hike, picnic and beach time at Point Reyes.  The wildflowers were beautiful, and we even saw 2 WHALES right at the end of the peninsula!

My family!
Mama and her babies
Mr. Bill, Clare, me, and Dada at the Point checking out the whales
Making sissy laugh - look closely! (I'm the "lion" in the bushes)
Carefree at the beach
Nyx trying not to eat sand...but she loves it so much!
Why enjoy the surf when you can play in the rainwater drainoff area??
The next weekend, we flew to Seattle to see Mr. Brad & Ms. Carol (Mama and Dada's friends from college).  Seattle was such a neat city!  We spent one night in Olympia at their house, where I got to play with their sweet doggie Dottie. Olympia had a really cool Children's museum, and we also spent some time on the water front (which was awesome until I got literally stuck in the mud and had to be cleaned off with frigid ocean water).  The next day we spent in Seattle, and I got to see the Space Needle!  We had lunch at the top, where it spins around and around - it was so much fun!  We also walked through Pikes Place market and I was mesmerized by the huge fishies - especially when they threw them through the air!  I couldn't bring myself to try a raw scallop, but I liked carrying around the shell for the rest of the weekend.  We also went on a cool tour of Underground Seattle - part of the current city is actually built on top of the old city, and you can walk through the old parts!  

I got to  visit the cockpit on BOTH flights!  And got my wings too!
On the Puget Sound in Olympia
Me exploring the Sound - so many bivalve shells!
Happy Keevah Nyx!
With Mr. Brad & Dada at the Children's museum
Holding the "parachute" that I made

I loved hanging out with Dottie!
Watching a movie with Mrs. Carol and Dottie
Space Needle!  My favorite part of the trip!

Pike's Place Market
My raw scallop!
Exploring the huge fishies!
Nyx finally passed out
Exploring Seattle's underground

This weekend, we have to stay in Napa since Mama is on call - but we had my last t-ball game followed by a swim party where I wanted to stay until the next day!  

My t-ball team

In between all of that, I went to school, gymzone, and swim lessons.  Keevah continues in her music class and gymzone too - just like I did when I was little.   I only have two more days of school before the summer...and four more days of school at Nature's Way Montessori.  I'm a little sad about that, since I've been there for 4 years, but I'm excited to start at my new elementary (especially since they have gardens and a computer lab!)

With classmates at Earth Day at school
My teacher, Miss Gloria, took me and 4 other "graduates" from our class out to frozen yogurt
Me and my good friend Kaleb
How we roll in Napa

The life of kid number 2
Keevah pretending to be snuggly with Dada
Sissy is pretty cute sometimes!
But most of the time, she enjoys this "lovey" - some kind of animal skull I found in a field adjacent to our house. 
Teetering and tottering with sister
She can't believe her new hairstyle - I call them her "antlers" since it makes a whole lot more sense than "pigtails"
I'm doing better and better at climbing the rope at Gymzone

Off we go to State College, PA and NYC in 3 days!  More adventures to follow...


  1. Pic's are wonderful. Love the "antlers" for hair name instead of piggy-tails. Love, Gee

  2. Wonderful pictures and great adventures. Loved being with you part of the time. Love, Granddad
