Sunday, April 30, 2017

Keevah Nyx: Spring and the (Evil) Easter Bunny

Springtime it here, and that means I can be outside all the time!  Now that I'm a super confident walker, and have my very first pair of tennis shoes, I can go anywhere.  I still prefer climbing to walking, but either way I try my best to get into everything. I'm still not talking (aside from "nononononono" and "uh oh" and questionably "hello"), much to Mama's frustration...but I just don't really have a need to ask people anything!  I'm quite independent and prefer to do everything myself.  At 11pm, Mama brings me into bed for my late-night "dream feed" (since I'm still tiny at 18 pounds, ~5% on the weight chars), and that's the only time I allow her to snuggle and kiss me.  I'm a tall girl, well over 99% for height, so I can easily grab things off the counter when I'm not supposed to.  I'm quite a monkey, climbing everywhere, and on anything.  If there's a piece of paper on the floor, I will stand on it since it's 1mm taller than the rest of the floor. Anything can be turned into a ladder! 

climbing anything 
...and everything...

My favorite person is still Declan Hercules, and he is the best big brother ever!  He's never yelled at me, even when I destroy his creations. He calls me the "Master of Disaster" and I'm happy to fulfill that description.  

We visited the Easter Bunny in St. Helena and I experienced my first Egg Hunt. Not sure what all the excitement was about, but I did enjoy hearing the rattling noise coming from the eggs.  The bunny is ridiculous!  The rabbit was huge, and I was pretty sure he was going to eat me. It was the only time I've voluntarily clung to Mama, so at least I made her happy that she was wanted!  Big brother got a ton of eggs and had a blast racing across the grass.  He made sure to let the Easter Bunny know we were going to be in Tahoe the next weekend for the "real" Easter day. 

I'll indulge you with a smile!
Giddy-up bunny!

I love wearing my bunny ears! (and laugh out loud any time people wrinkle their noses like bunnies)
All dressed up for Easter, and not happy about it...I don't like sitting still!

Hercules likes the giant rabbit!

If I can't see can't see me!
Hunting eggs

Checkout out our haul

In Tahoe, the bunny found us!  Thankfully, I did not have to see him again...he merely left eggs all over the snow! And I got a cool basket with bubbles, a pinwheel, and more bubbles. 

Before the mess...
The dye looks so good on me right?

Hercules found a golden egg!
Hunting eggs in the snow with Gee
Grandpa and me 

I'm silly - I like hanging things around my neck all the time; this time it is Declan's long underwear and ski socks
An awesome video of Declan skiing - I can't wait for him to teach me next year!

We also took an awesome walk to the beach with Gee & Grandpa and some friends.  I was pretty mad they wouldn't let me go swimming...and believe me I tried my best to get in that water!  I tried running fast when they weren't looking, and I tried scooting very slowly on my rear...but Mama caught me each time! 

This is big brother's first season of t-ball, and I enjoy trying to run onto the field when no one is watching. I'm the best bat girl in the business!

Best bat girl ever

Mama made super cool fruit skewers for snacks
We also got our garden planted in between rain storms.  I didn't get to help last year since I was too little, and I didn't get to help (much) this year since I was too destructive.  It seemed like such a good idea to pull all the newly planted "weeds" back out of the garden! I got banished in short order for my nap. out next year garden!

I got in to the tomato cages, but couldn't get out.
Brother loading up the cart with our plants
Beep beep!  full load!
Happiness is playing in the dirt!
Declan & Dada raking the soil

All done!
Building a spring evening fire!
Dada and Declan teaching me how to do it!
Here are a few random super cute photos of me, rocking Mama's old outfits as well

Overalls from 1978
Me no

and Mama in 1978
Looking proper in another of Mama's dresses...
...less proper in the same dress...
Skater chick in brother's hat
...and Brother's slippers...

Pretty girl at sunset

Making ravenous noises at dinner

One of my few moments looking cute and innocent instead of mischievous!
A more normal appearance for me!  Crazy hair day & a pencil!
Brother can be crazy too!

We spent a fun day in San Francisco with the Rivest Family.  I ate sand (as usual), while big brother built a cool castle with multiple rooms. 

My sand goatee
Brother's sand angel

Gee & Grandpa are still coming once a week to watch us on Tuesdays.  We get up to all sorts of craziness with them (particularly Grandpa!).

A trash can makes for the best toy sometimes...

More bunny ears with Gee
...and Grandpa
It was big brother's Spring Break right before Easter, and we got to spend a few days in Elk Grove with Gee & Grandpa.  We got to play with Auntie Kelly too!  Dada was out of town as well, so Mama had a quiet house for 3 nights!  She claims that she missed us, but I found out she went out with some girlfriends to celebrate.  After the destruction I did to Gee & Grandpa's house, maybe I can understand why she did a happy dance!

Me with Pinky, a gift Mama got the day after she was born
Riding in Mama's old buggy
Me and Declan with Auntie Kelly
I've started going to Gymzone just like big brother!  Watch out Hercules, here comes Nyx!

We did some hiking as well.  First a day with the Jaramillo family in Skyline park which is right next to our house.  Then a day up in St. Helena at Bothe State Park. I had fun driving Mama crazy by saying a word that sounded like "hello" about 5,000 times in a row, while riding in her backpack. 

Skyline park, right by our house

Me, Declan, Carolina, August, and Luis Oscar

OK - that was way too long, but it was a fun crazy busy month!!!

1 comment:

  1. Love the pictures and great videos. Declan is an amazing skier.
    Love, Granddad
