Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Declan Hercules: My Epic California Road Trip

After an amazing Christmas, Mama and Dada worked for a week, and then we were off on our California Road Trip!  It turns out that California is HUGE!  I kept asking if we were in a new state every 30 minutes or so, but we were ALWAYS still in California.  We first drove straight to Granddad and Boppy's house in Pasadena. We overlapped for one night with Uncle Hans, Auntie Kristi and Cousin Sophie.  I wish they had been able to stay longer, but it was super nice to play with my cousin and her doggie Duncan.  I had some time to play at their house, but we also stayed very busy exploring LA.  The first day, we spent the whole day at the Huntington library where Boppy works as a docent.  It was my first time there, and I really had a great time.  They have a whole bunch of very ancient science books, and my favorite was a whole room of every kind of light bulb you can ever imagine! They have so many gardens too, including a rose garden which smells so yummy; a Japanese and a Chinese garden, and even a Children's garden.  

Me with my cousin Sophie
Granddad, me, Dada and Boppy at the Huntington
Boppy showing me the secrets of the "Blue Boy" painting

The boys in the Rose Garden
Boppy with Nyx in the Rose Garden
Our family at the Japanese garden

Keevah Nyx at the Children's Garden
Dada and me at the very cool Satellite exhibit
Really really really old books

One of my favorite Christmas gifts: Robot Turtles game (apparently I'm learning to code, but I don't know it yet)...Hilarious that Granddad couldn't figure it out!
On day 2, we went to the California Science Center and I got to see the Space Shuttle Endeavor!   I was super excited about this and was mesmerized by the videos that showed it blasting off into space and the astronauts floating inside it without gravity.

Building towers with Dada and Granddad
a lunar rover
At the aquarium part of the museum

Granddad and Boppy took us out to a super fancy dinner for New Year's Eve at The Crossing, and Sissy and I got all dressed up. We behaved ourselves perfectly and let the grownups have a yummy dinner.  Then we got to watch the Crystal ball drop on TV in Times square at midnight (EST!) 

The whole gang at dinner
Watching the crystal ball drop
Dada reading the original Robert Burns poem Auld Lang Syne

Day 3 we did some awesome hiking in the Arroyo - here's a crazy palm tree growing sideways
And finally the night of Jan 1st, after I was asleep for a few hours...Mama and Dada woke me up to join Granddad on a special walk up to see the floats for the Rose Parade.  They line up at midnight the night before the parade and you can walk right up to them and talk to the people who made them. It was so cool to see all those flowers, seeds and bark in person, and then to watch them on TV the next morning!

Here I get to see them on TV too!
After several wonderful days in Pasadena, it was time to drive to Death Valley.  Sissy and I were super good in the car the entire way.  First stop was the Mequite Sand Dunes!  Super cool, and they remained a highlight of the trip for all of us.  I couldn't believe how much sand there was!  I had a blast scooting and log-rolling down the steep slopes, and even Mama and Nyx got in on the action too. Nyx tried to eat sand which is so crazy, but so predictable.

Whole family at the top of a dune
Like Dada, like 
King Declan, on top of the world!
Mama and Keevah Nyx
Before Sissy ate sand
Best buddies

We stayed at Furnace Creek Ranch, and then had a great adventure at BadWater, Natural Bridge, Golden Canyon, Devil's Golf Course and Artists Drive.  Many of these involved hiking, and I did awesome!  

At Natural Bridge - a pretty cool slot canyon hike
Mama and Nyx in Golden Canyon
Hercules conquers!
Nyx is so happy she was finally let out of the backpack!
Me climbing a cliff in Golden Canyon
Dada and me at Badwater
Mama and Nyx at Badwater - lowest point in North America (and you can see Mount Whitney on a good day!)

Me pointing to the tiny sign way up on the cliff that says "Sea Level"
With Dada at Devil's Golf Course
Super cool salt crystal structures
I spent a long time finding the perfect crystal structures - they are all so unique

After some very special days in Death Valley, we drove to Tahoe.  It was an epic 8.5 hour drive with over 20,000 feet of elevation change and about 200 miles through snow!  It was pretty crazy to go from a dry desert to 12 feet of snow in Tahoe - but I loved it!   I got to play with my friends Clare and Vera in Tahoe, and enjoyed some ski time with Dada.  I also got to help Keevah Nyx build her first snowman!

On the drive on the 395 - somewhere near Mammoth
Turns out that Keevah loves snow too! She's getting some good use out of my old snow outfit.
Sibling bond
Trying to get the eyes to stay on the snowman
Finished product
Sledding with Clare -who is wearing another of my old ski outfits!
So, wouldn't you agree that was a pretty awesome trip!  I'm all ready to do it again next week!

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Keevah Nyx: Santa Claus is coming to town!

This is the first Christmas that I am conscious of the festivities - as last year I was only 5 days old, less than 5 pounds,  and slept through the entire season.  I'm still little,  only 16 pounds (5th percentile), but I'm tall (90% percentile)!  I'm doing my best to figure out this walking thing. I  psych myself out frequently...but when I'm not thinking too hard about walking or have something in my hands to distract me, I can do it pretty well (though I refuse to do it for video).  I'm slowly discovering that solids aren't too bad after all...though it's pretty fun to suddenly decide that I hate the food that I loved yesterday and spit it back out at Mama with a smile.
Wearing Mama's shirt from 1978

We had an awesome Christmas week.  Mama worked the week before Christmas, but Dada took some time off to watch Hercules and yours truly.  We had a lot of fun out at the parks and shopping for some gifts for Mama.  On the 22nd, everyone surprised me and took me on a special Santa Train to the North Pole.  We got to meet Santa Claus in person, and I tugged on his beard to make sure he was the real one!  We sang carols on the train, had coco and cookies, and met Jolly the Santa-helper-bear.

Meeting the big man himself!
As close as we let Mama get to taking our picture together
With Rudolph!

Mama and me!
Meeting Jolly - Santa's helper bear

Watching our special magic wristbands flash in time to the music
The next night, we went to San Francisco. Big brother got to go on a special big boy outing with Mama and Dada to the Nutcracker (which he LOVED), while I had fun playing with my friend Clare. We had dinner with friends afterwards, and then headed home. 

I was so jealous that I couldn't go to the Nutcracker too!
On Christmas Eve, we spent a lot of time watching Santa on the Santa Tracker. We also got all dressed up and went out to look at the lights in Napa before heading to a super fancy dinner.  I enjoyed my milk and puffs, and after a mighty struggle against sleep during cocktails, I finally gave in and had a long slumber.  Declan Hercules ate his pasta, and then promptly decided he better get a nap while Mama and Dada ate their long dinner.  That was our Christmas present to the parents - two sleeping babies while they enjoyed their gourmet meal!  It also enabled us to be awake to set out the cookies and milk for Santa and the reindeer, and also read 'Twas the Night before Christmas once we got home. 

Finding Santa on Santa Tracker

More Santa Tracker
All dressed up!
Mama and me
Handsome Hercules

Happy Nyx!
Dada and Declan
As close as we got this year to four people looking at the camera at the same time. 
Out to look at the lights
Someone stole Mama's coat
Cocktail hour at the FARM restaurant by the firepit

Two sleeping babies at a fancy restaurant.

Mama loving dinner!
'Twas the night before Christmas
All ready for Santa and Rudolph

Christmas morning, I was awakened by big brother in my crib undoing my swaddle and explaining to me that Santa had come!  We all went downstairs and our stockings were full!  Santa even left muddy footprints on the hearth, which Mama grumbled about.  He left a bit of cookie which I promptly grabbed and shoved in my mouth as well.  We spent the morning opening amazing gifts and eating a scrumptious breakfast.  My favorite gift was all the wrapping paper that I could shred and eat, as well as the boxes to tumble in.  I also got a Rody bouncy horse which is pretty neat too - I have succeeded in falling off it many times.  Brother got his long-sought Lightening McQueen peddle bicycle and some light sabers, along with many engineering/science/math games.  It was a true success!
Can it be Christmas every day?

This one is MINE!
Hercules opening his bike

Happy boy with a light saber
Declan also got his own popcorn popper
My favorite gift - bubble wrap just for me!

Rody's pretty cool too...
Family Christmas selfie
Declan's special present to Dada for him to hang in his office
Special gift to Mama and Nyx -  Dada had a painting of Nyx "Goddess of Night, Mother of Dawn" commissioned for the nursery.
Brother taking his new wheels for a spin

The day after Christmas, Mama was a machine and put away all the Christmas decorations since she had to work that week...but it wasn't too sad since we are headed to Pasadena to see Granddad and Boppy, then Death Valley, and then Tahoe for a whole 9 days!  Stay tuned for what happens next!