Monday, January 25, 2016

Declan Hercules: Showing baby sister "Tahoe Snow"

Hi friends, 

It's me, Declan Hercules!  I've let baby sister write the last few blog posts - Mama tells me it's nice to share, so I'm working on it. I guess I'll have to work on sharing even more now that there's a new small person in my house.  Baby sister is pretty cool, and I've had fun watching some of her funny faces.  I cannot believe how much she sleeps, and I'm particularly intrigued by her poopy diapers - I've even helped Mama change her a few times. 
I still call her baby Candle.  Mama and Dada picked a new name - Keevah Nyx - but I like Candle Serena better, so that will be her name for now.  She doesn't know how to do anything...nothing at all!  I keep trying to show her how to use fans, but she's not interested and keeps falling asleep.  Hopefully she'll be more interesting soon.  

One thing baby Candle didn't know anything about was New Year's Eve.  We celebrated with Gee & Grandpa at our home in Napa.  We had a fancy dinner and then watched the big ball drop in New York, followed by the Auld Lang Syne song.  

First New Year's Eve

On New Year's Day, Mama and Dada packed us up for a long trip to Tahoe. This time we got to stay for 10 days!  It was awesome to have a little friend sitting in the back seat with me.  The drive was uneventful until we were 20 miles from the cabin - then traffic got AWFUL!   We had to stop to feed baby sister and for Mama to pump milk.  Baby sister was fussy and there wasn't much room and she spit up all over Mama!  Then I announced I had to go potty, and not just pee.  My bum sure was cold out there in the snow!  Finally we were at the cabin and I got to show baby Candle all around.  Not only had she never seen the cabin before, but she had never seen snow! My job as big brother is to show her all these new things and I am taking this job very seriously. 

We all loved the fresh snow - sledding and making snowmen and snow angels was awesome! 

Mama and her babies!
Family photo - ready for a snowy afternoon!
Snow Angels!

Baby sister went sledding at 9 days old (just a tiny baby hill)

Exploring ice sculptures at Heavenly Village

A very cool ice bench
special Mama time while baby sister relaxed inside the cabin

El Nino is awesome!!

Catching snowflakes on our tongues
Gee & Grandpa were in Tahoe too!
Grandpa and Hercules in jacuzzi during the snowstorm
Mama also surprised me with my very first sleigh ride!  I loved it, especially the horses and their jingle bells!. 

Mama's really good friend from med school, Miss Catherine, also happened to be in Tahoe at the same time.  She came to visit for a night with her family, and I had a fun time with Celso, Noah & Spencer!

Engrossed in a movie with my friends
Mama and Keevah with Miss Catherine
And finally, a few photos of Mama's babies:

My favorite shirt of all time!
Baby sister being cute
Baby candle found her fingers!

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Keevah Nyx: My First Christmas! (And professional photos!)

First, let me explain how this whole blog this is going to work...(actually Mama's not even 100% sure yet, but this is how I "think" it's going to work).  I'm going to write some blog posts, and my big brother is going to continue to write some blog posts...we will take turns until he decides that he's too big to write posts anymore. (Apparently 13 year olds don't write Mama will have to take over at some point).

Well, I chose my timing quite well. This is an indication of things to come - I'm quite organized like my Mama, and everything has to be done just right!  Coming home on Dec 23rd was always in my plan - I had heard that Christmas was pretty cool and couldn't stand to miss it.   I excelled at my tasks of eating and pooping in the hospital, so they allowed me to go home at just 4lbs, 10oz.  I slept the whole car ride home, for who really wants to take in the sights along the 680?

My big brother Hercules, as well as Gee & Grandpa were waiting for me when I got home.  Hercules showed me my new room - pretty cool work Mama!  And then he showed me all his fans...that kid is crazy but he makes a pretty cool big brother.  Gee & Grandpa left and then it was my perfect family of four, with the others at my beck-and-call...just the way it should be. 

Christmas Eve was relaxing - I did my best to sleep when I was supposed to since big brother told me that Santa won't come if we are awake.  We all read "Twas the Night before Christmas, and we put out milk and cookies for Santa...and some carrots for the reindeer. 

reading 'Twas the Night Before Christmas

Big Brother watching the Santa Tracker
I'm the best Christmas gift ever!

Hercules came to get me on Christmas morning...that kid was pretty excited! He knew what I did not yet realize...Santa brings so many presents!  I watched him race down the stairs with a huge smile on his face when he announced that Santa had come.  We opened stockings and then Declan helped Dada make breakfast for Mama, while I enjoyed some fabulous Mama milk at 98 degrees.  Then it was time to open the rest of the presents.  Dada really wanted big brother to play soccer, but he prefers swimming and skiing, so Dada bought me all sorts of soccer goodies - including my first pair of cleats!
discovering the stockings have been filled!

Why must I be tortured?
Big brother doesn't quite fit as well in his stocking
Where's the baby? Seriously can you believe they did this to me?

My new soccer gear

Big brother got ANOTHER fan!

And a new tent!
The boys making breakfast
We spent the rest of the day relaxing and playing with our new toys - and I did my best impression of a bear hibernating for the winter.  The grown ups (and Hercules) enjoyed a yummy dinner with cocktails.

Sibling love

Hercules made his own Christmas cocktail, complete with candy cane!

Mama enjoying sushi and champagne - She blames me for not being able to consume these recently
Hercules then got to spend a few days in Elk Grove with Gee & Grandpa - I was jealous! But it was nice having Mama and Dada to myself. I'm still getting to know those people, so I needed extra time to see if I got good parents or not. For now, I'll keep them.

Declan at the science museum with Grandpa

Declan in his bubble bath - Grandpa did it again!
Doesn't that look like more fun than staying home with Mom & Dad?
8 days after my entry into this world, I was subjected to all sorts of contortions to get the photos below. I taught them a lesson by pooping and peeing on the props and on the grown ups!  Ha ha!! 
Who you lookin' at?
My very cool big brother Hercules 

Best buddies...
Am I a bear?  Really?

And now it is time for New Year's and my first trip to Tahoe, so I have to run!  Stay tuned!