Saturday, October 3, 2015

Texas & other September fun

I'll get to Texas in a minute, but first a quick update on my baby sister.  She is getting bigger and bigger- now she is about 1.5 pounds and 13.5 inches long (or as long as a rutabaga according to the app on Mama's phone).  She will arrive in 11 more weeks and I can't wait.  I can feel her kick when I feel Mama's tummy and she always makes me laugh. I talk to her all the time, and use her as an excuse when I don't want to do something.  "But Mama, baby sister doesn't want to go take a shower" or "baby sister doesn't want to pick up my toys!".  

Video slightly long, but super cute, especially the ending!
My favorite picture of baby sister - trying to suck her thumb
Working on the first project for baby sister's room - installing closet organizers!
closet organizer and paint samples

second project:  sanding and repainting my changing table
I got to paint the whole backside!
finished product!
Some improvements to my room too! I love my new pirate ship wall decoration!
exhausted after a long day of projects!
My special solar system project is done!!

We also had a few trips to the beach - Rodeo Beach and Half Moon Bay.  I LOVE the beach - why can't we live here all the time??

Taking turns with Mazzie pushing each other
She's super strong!

Finally - Dallas here we come!  Not sure how many states this makes for me - close to 20 I think.  We went for Mama's work conference, but packed in a lot of fun.  Since Granddad and Auntie Kristi and Uncle Steve also do the same kind of work as Mama, each year this conference turns into a family reunion too!  I loved the longhorn cattle sculpture - largest bronze sculpture in the world.  I also loved the aquarium and the Science Museum.  Every night I got a special treat and got to stay up late for fancy dinners and momos (movies) - another huge perk of trips like this!

Taking in the longhorn cattle sculpture
Finding shade in Dallas

At the aquarium with Boppy and Dada 
Saying cheese with the monkeys (and Boppy!)
Watching the spotted rays
With Mama and baby sister Candle and Boppy
The manatee is huge!
All the little glowing lights are the eyes of the flashlight fish - my favorite!
Super cool seahorses!
King crabs!
Saw shark!
Big boa!
Our daily rooftop pool routine with Dada
And Granddad too!
With cousin Sophie!
The whole gang:  DH, Dada, Mama, Uncle Hans, Granddad, Boppy, Aunt Kristi and Cousin Sophie
Maybe there was one too many late nights out - couldn't make it the last 10 feet to the hotel room and passed out on the carpet!
Also fell asleep in the shower!
Back at home in Napa after a wonderful trip - here are a few videos of my swimming lessons!  I'm still loving my lessons and doing really well swimming across the pool by myself.

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