Sunday, December 21, 2014

Christmas is coming!

Christmas is coming and so is Santa. I've been waiting 360 days and it's finally here!  I picked out the perfect tree, after being convinced that the 15 foot one wouldn't quite fit in the living room. I concentrated 80% of our ornaments below the 3 foot line, but it's still a perfect tree.  I wasn't allowed on the roof, even though I asked perpetually, but I did help put the lights in the front yard and helped Dada hang the wreath.  

My excitement to see Santa was short lived...

We also went to Tahoe for a week, and I got to perfect my skiing.  Santa brought me a new ski outfit and ski gear for an early Christmas present.  

cute car photo
being goofy
Christmas jammies
I made Mama some drawings for her birthday
getting kissed

singing Mama happy birthday!

Miss Heather got me a kit to make windmills for Christmas!

Dada and I worked for hours to get it put together

With Grandpa and baby Rinnah

With Gee and baby Rinnah
In Tahoe with Grandpa

We are back in Napa now and waiting waiting for Santa.  I'll remember to turn off the fireplace before he comes!

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