Sunday, November 30, 2014

Gobble Gobble and First time Skiing

Halloween is done and my fan costume has been put away to my protests.  But, I'm being adequately distracted by plenty of time with friends, family and Tahoe!

Since my last blog post - we spent some time in Half Moon Bay with good friends Jen & Mark and baby Mazzie.  Mama was under-prepared for my romp on the beach, and let's just say my clothes didn't last long...

We started like this...
Mama with Mr. Mark & Mrs. Jen
Then lost the pants...

Then this...
and finally....

We left Half Moon Bay for the BEST reason new baby cousin Rinnah Emma was born!  
I was pretty sleepy by the time we got to the hospital, so I didn't get to hold her yet, but I love looking at her pictures!

Uncle Ben & Auntie Aubree letting Mama hold my new cousin
Can't wait until she wakes up more. I have so much to teach her...
...such as how fans go around and around!  All babies should come with fans. 
Then we were so lucky to go up to Tahoe for a whole 11 days for Thanksgiving!  I LOVE Tahoe so much.  This time, we had a few sets of friends up, including many friends for me to play with.  The BEST part of the whole weekend was that I finally got to go skiing!  I proved my parents wrong - they said I'd get tired in 5 minutes, but I loved it!  I kept asking to go faster and faster on Day 1.  The next day, Dada took me up an intermediate slope and we skied down the whole thing with me between Dada's legs.  I really loved the "chair gondola" aka chair lift.

Hiding in the racks while I was supposed to be getting my skis
At the viewpoint half way up the gondola to Heavenly

The gang (minus the Hunt family):  Dave, Nancy and Felix; Rocio, Ernst, Liam & Anna Sophia;  Mama, Dada and Hercules
First time on skis

We also had fun on the inner tube!

slo-mo;  thanks Mr. Dave for the ride
Tired at the end of the day...time to catch a lift
The next day, we all went on a really nice walk in the rain to Cascade Falls.

Rewarded with a beautiful rainbow!

goofing off with Anna Sophia
The only time we were all sitting still the whole weekend, entranced by cartoons, so the grown ups could eat dinner in peace!  L to R: Felix, Liam, me, Bea, Anna Sophia

A completely random video - you can't really see me, but this is what happens daily whenever Mama asks me about school.  What happens at school, stays at school...

Second set of friends arrive for Thanksgiving weekend.  Barclay, Daniel and Dada took turns pushing the jogging stroller.  They ended with a polar swim in the lake, and I was smart enough to stay back and watch them be stupid. 
A jog and a polar swim...topped off with some whisky
In PJs, loving Mama on Thanksgiving
Dada's brined turkey going in the oven...forgot to take an after pic

Playing with my magnetic blocks with Mr. Barclay
On another hike!

Everything I am thankful for...

And finally, adults play silly games too:

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

The Great Pumpkin, Tahoe, and MORE!

October may be my favorite month...for now.  I may change my mind in December cause Santa Clause is pretty cool.  But, for now, the Great Pumpkin gets me pretty excited.  
I had a fabulous month with trips to the pumpkin patch, Tahoe, a local Farm, and every house in our neighborhood.  

In reality, I have been planning for this month since mid-summer.  Mama, in case you don't know, is a Type A planner.   So, in July, she asked me what I wanted to be for Halloween.  I've never trick-or-treated before, and really had no idea what sort of costumes are standard for such an I responded with the thing that I love most:  "A FAN!"
Mama couldn't have possibly been surprised, since I have my own personal fan collection, point fans out in any store (including air vents, propellers, air conditioners, or anything that could possibly resemble a fan), and ask people to draw pictures of fans on a daily basis.  But, I could see that she was a bit perplexed, so I added, "I want to be a box fan!"  to help clarify the situation.  
We had a family trip to Target where I picked out a nice big black box fan -  and Dada and I set about disassembling it.  The first iteration was a modest success - but it did NOT spin!  BIG problem since that is the entire purpose of a fan.  I tried to keep my cool, though may have whined a bit...and ultimately (after a few trips to Home Depot), the fan spins!  

Here I am in all my glory!  

My parade at school

Learning to Trick or Treat

Ok, now that you've seen how amazing my costume was, we can back up to the rest of the month...

I was pretty skeptical about carving pumpkins, pumpkin guts are gooey!

Guess what else you can do with pumpkins?
I loved helping Mama and Dada decorate the house

Just chillin' with Dada after a hard day's work
And, before we decorated, we went to the pumpkin patch. I've been asking to go there since January, so this was pretty exciting. 

We managed to squeak in a long weekend in Tahoe too.

At the beach with my friends Levi and Indigo

Making a dinosaur with sticks and pinecones

Admiring the Fall leaves
Mama and Dada left me at Gee and Grandpa's to go to a wedding in Solvang

And, we went to Connolly Ranch Farm in Napa for their Harvest Festival. I had a blast petting all the animals, including the worms!

At the park with Grandpa

just goofing off with Mama

What Mama puts up with on a daily least we had underwear on this time 

At my gymnastics class

OK,  that was a ton of photos and a lot of catching up!  More to come soon!