Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Holiday Overload! (In a good way...)

Merry Christmas from Declan Hercules!

The weekend before Christmas, we hosted a bunch of Mama and Dada's friends for a nice Holiday feast.  The grownups were mostly boring, but I did have fun pulling my train around between their feet as they sipped their cocktails.  I got to see baby Clare again (Bill&Cara's little girl).  She seems pretty sweet, but I don't understand why she sleeps all the time and can't walk!   I missed most of the dinner fun since it was past my bedtime, but the smell of Mama's souffles woke me up a few hours later.  Mama let me join them for a sweet snack...and general goofery for a few hours.  I could get used to the spoilage associated with Christmas!  Why can't it be like this all year long?

Helping Dada with the lobsters so Mama can make delicious soup for the dinner party!

playing with Miss Serena
Bill w/ Clare, Julane, Serena, Jason & Jim
Jason, Jim, Mama and Julane

Entertaining the troops with some Christmas tunes on the peenano
Mama and Dada carving the beef meat
Bill with baby Clare
Dada and Miss Serena
Awake for dessert!

Jason, Bill, Cara, Nol, and Serena
Mama and Miss Cara with their babies
Santa Elf on the run...

Two days before Christmas, Mama and Dada had their annual back-to-back wrapping marathon, with Christmas carols in the background.  They started it once earlier so that I could participate, but apparently they didn't appreciate me running all over the place, stepping on the presents, and ripping the paper off the gifts as soon as they taped it on! Whoops!  I'm also not so good at keeping a secret they didn't like it when I looked at something Dada was wrapping for Mama and named it out loud!   So, we went to look at Christmas lights instead, and they wrapped gifts after I fell asleep. 

All set to look at lights with Monkey

cool light show!

Dada wrapping gifts
Mama wrapping her gifts...
All done!

Christmas Eve, we went to a fancy dinner at La Toque in Napa.  They made me special pasta which was super yummy, but mostly I enjoyed playing under the table.  The most memorable part of the night was playing in the frigid water fountain at the end of dinner (though Mama and Dada thought the best part was the 6 course meal & wine parings!).  
When we got back home, I helped put out special milk & cookies for Santa, and a carrot for Rudolph.  I walked around all day shouting "HoHoHo Merry Christmas" while wearing my elf outfit (and I'm still wearing it on Jan 1).   We watched NORAD on Dada's computer so I could see exactly where Santa was.    Then we read 'Twas the Night before Christmas by the fireplace while drinking "eggnog"  (milk for me, Rum for Mama, and Scotch for Dada...we forgot to go buy some actual eggnog, so we had to make-do). 

With Miss Heather, my Nanny, before we head out for Christmas Eve dinner

Watching Santa on NORAD

Milk & cookies for Santa
Merry Christmas!
Feeding Santa's cookie to Dada
Mama wants a bite too!
The whole family!
Reading 'Twas the Night before Christmas
Dada reading me Aunt Mimi's version of 'Twas a Night before the Animal Farm!
I went to bed eagerly awaiting the bounty that would be mine in the morning! 
Christmas morning finally arrived, and Santa came!  There were so many presents under the tree, and my stocking was full too!  I got a laser light that shines the stars on my ceiling, a leather jacket, my first pair of skis, board games, a guitar, art supplies, cars, blocks, books and MORE!  I'm definitely a spoiled lucky little dude!  Before I could even play with all my toys, we cleaned up and drove straight up to Tahoe.  We enjoyed 4 days in the snow (2 of them with Gee & Grandpa), and Mama even went skiing for the first time in over 20 years (and lived to tell the tale).  We forgot to take photos of that trip, but any trip to Tahoe is a good one!  

Santa came!
Ripping off wrapping paper

My new skis!  (I'm happier than I look in this picture)

         Up in Tahoe, I got to ski for the first time!

Cowboy boots like Dada's!
My new leather bomber jacket
Spiderman!  Thanks Auntie Jenny
I've spent the past few days playing with my new goodies and watching some football too.  I even got to stay up late for New Year's Eve...though none of us actually made it to midnight.  Oh well...maybe next year!

My New Year's resolution (heavily influenced by Mama), is to always go potty in the toilet and to learn my ABC's! (oh yeah, and not throw any food on the ground) . We'll see how it goes...

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