Monday, December 26, 2011

Rockin' around the Christmas Tree

My first Christmas is the best Christmas ever!

I'm sure that everyone had a great holiday, but I think mine is the best of them all.  Afterall, how many times do you get to celebrate your first Christmas?  I could not have possibly imagined how many fun traditions take place during the holidays, and I'm so excited to finally be included in them...I've been waiting my WHOLE LIFE for this!

Our Christmas festivities started on December 23rd when I got my first ever Christmas presents.  My nanny, Heather, gave me my first gifts...some very cool Hercules & Greek gods books, and some new PJs.  I grew out of my 3 month clothes and am now in 6 month clothes...even though I'm only 3 months adjusted age.  Mama stopped calling me "small fry"....and now calls me "fat fry"...I'm not sure if I like the new nickname or not!   I love spending time with Heather when Mama & Daddy are at work.  She holds me a lot and plays with me on my activity mat.  Mama & Daddy particularly love it when she comes to get me at 6am so they can sleep a bit longer!

Me with Daddy & Heather & my new PJs & book
I also got a cool gift from Santa on the 23rd (though rather self-serving).  It was a personalized plate and mug that said "Cookies for Santa"  and "Milk for Santa".  Mama had a special plate for Santa when she was little, and thought we should continue that tradition.  It turns out that we didn't have any cookies or milk at home, so in typical yuppie fashion, we had "eggnog truffles for Santa" and "20 Year Royal Escort Prager Port for Santa" instead.  Mama and Daddy are a bit over-the-top at times!
                                                     Santa's cookies plate & Milk Mug

Mama had a little help doing the laundry 
Then, on Christmas Eve, we went to dinner at FARM at the Carneros Inn.  This was a new restaurant for me (and Mama and Daddy), and it was amazing!  I loved it and was the perfect gentleman through the whole night, continuing my trend for being the happiest baby ever in these fine dining establishments.  I wore my best suit, complete with bow tie and hat.  Mama and Daddy enjoyed lobster risotto, filet mignon, and Christmas goose, followed by a cheese course, and a chocolate souffle...all paired with the appropriate Carneros wines of course! 

At dinner at the Carneros Inn
All dressed up for dinner on Christmas Eve!
Back at home, we continued with more traditions.  With all the lights off in the house, except the Christmas lights, we read "Twas the Night Before Christmas"...only our version is a bit different than the original.  We read a version written by Aunt Mimi about the Animal Farm (which I cannot wait to visit!).  Then we read the original version to compare.  We drank breast milk and port and were lulled into a happy stupor by the wonderful poems.  Then off to bed, with visions of sugarplums and breastmilk in my head!

I set out my eggnog truffles & port for Santa

Mama & I (and Flora) didn't quite make it to the bedroom for bedtime. 
Daddy & I ready for bed on Christmas Eve.  I was so excited I could hardly fall asleep!
Christmas morning, I arose after sleeping a whole 7 hours straight, much to the delight of Mama & Daddy!  Mama went into the hospital for a few hours since she is an important surgeon.  And when she got home, she changed back into her pajamas to make it seem like she never left!  Then we got to open our stockings.  I have a new stocking with a big "D" on it to match Mama's and Daddy's.  The stocking is about as big as I am!  My favorite stocking gifts were a "Schrodinger's Kitty" book, and "ABC" flashcards for nerdy babies, such as myself.  For example  "A is for Atom, B is for Binary Code, E is for electron", etc, etc.  I am definitely going to be the smartest baby on the block if my parents have anything to do about it!   Daddy got some nice shaving stuff from London...I guess it will be awhile for me to use it, not much facial hair (or any hair) yet!  Mama got some fun dessert stuff and tea in her stocking. 
My stocking is almost as big as me!  
Daddy with his new shaving stuff

Then Christmas breakfast of milk for me, and coffee cake, eggs, and sausage for Mama and Daddy.

Then we got to the good stuff...the presents under the tree!  Mama got some new supersoft (read: super-expensive) sheets and towels, a new robe, some wine, and her favorite:  an engraved photo frame with a picture of me!  Daddy got a whole bunch of stuff to make his new minibar complete:  crystal glasses, a new decanter, pitcher, zester, jigger, etc.  And I got a piggy bank and a 529 plan for college, a growth chart, some cool little dude clothes (including a tuxedo from Daddy, with the promise to attend a black tie event next Spring), and some awesome onesies from Daddy (though Mama disapproves).  The best part about those onesies is that Daddy could never have been allowed to get them, but since he gave them to me for Christmas, Mama is stuck letting me wear them (though she won't put them on me herself)! 

We also opened gifts from our other family members who weren't here with us.  I got a very cool painting of Greek muses from Gran, as well as a very cool book.  And, I got a toy that plays classical music, and a Patagonia winter coat that I can't wait to wear in Tahoe from Granddad and Boppy.   I got some other wonderful things from all of my aunts and uncles, but the most creative gift of all was from my Gran-Aunt Mimi - who sent an entire box of wool that was recently sheared from Finn, her best sheep!  We have to figure out how to turn it into a blanket or some felt, but it is already super soft to lay in! 

With my eyelashes coming in so long, I may really be a player!   And, a onesie with a chick with a shotgun...Mama's not too happy about this one! (but at least she has to admit the humor!)

Daddy with his Don Julio 1942 tequilla
My new pythagorean theorem blanket

Daddy's new hi-ball and double old fashioned glasses

Some new wine for Mama
Mama's new robe

 Mama's new engraved photo frame

Resting in the box of wool from Finn, the sheep from Gran-Aunt Mimi
The aftermath....
We relaxed for the rest of the afternoon, and had wonderful talks with our family.  We also took a family nap, which really ended up in Daddy taking a nap while Mama took me out to the couch since I was a bit of a fuss-budget.  Then Mama and Daddy made a wonderful dinner for themselves, while I ate more milk.

To understand my Mama and Daddy, you really have to hear this story about their appetizers: 
Before the holiday, they were deciding on the menu.  It was quickly settled that they would to a pancetta wrapped pork tenderloin with apple chutney, mashed potatoes, and roasted brussel sprouts with pine nuts for dinner.  The appetizer, however, proved to be more challenging.  You see, Mama wanted to do sushi, while Daddy wanted foie gras.  They debated over and over about this, and finally settled on both.  Mama would have her sushi, and Daddy would have his foie gras.  Now, seriously, they must be the ONLY two people in all of the world who would argue between foie gras & sushi!  What a ridiculous argument!!!!!   
Mama & Daddy settled on BOTH foie gras & sushi!

In any case, we all had a wonderful dinner and settled in for lots of cuddling and some after-dinner drinks and cupcakes in bed! 

It was a wonderful holiday, and there is more!  We are celebrating Christmas on New Years with Mama's family - my Grammie, Grandpa, Uncle Ben & Aunt Aubree!  I can't believe I can have so much fun for so many days in a row!

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Mama's Birthday Weekend

This week was Mama's birthday week.  Actually, she prefers to celebrate her birthday for the whole month to make up for the fact that she constantly gets jipped given that her birthday is close to Christmas.  Mama is getting pretty old, so she decided to really do something big for her birthday this year. So, she had surgery!  That's right...only my Mama would decide that it is a reasonable idea to have surgery on her birthday.  She had the septum removed from her uterus - the thing that divided her uterus in half, and forced me to grow in a much-less-than-adequate home for my 29 week gestation.  The doctors couldn't believe that I had grown as big and strong as I did inside such a small space.  Mama tolerated the procedure like a champ and was eating Mexican food within hours, and working full time the next day.  She told me that she couldn't have asked for a better birthday present than the chance to have a little brother or sister for me some day!  (but not for a few years....they are still traumatized from my birth story!) 

Mama waking up from anesthesia

Mama's other present to herself was to stop pumping.  She has been pumping at least 8 times a day since I have been born - occupying nearly half of her waking hours.  I have grown amazingly big and strong because of all the goodness inside her milk, but I was missing Mama holding me more.  As it turns out, Mama was starting to resent the silly pump, and she wanted to hold me more too (which she cannot do while strapped into that strange plastic concoction of cones and tubes).  The final straw was when my GI doctor told her that I might have a cow protein allergy, and that she would have to go on a cow-free diet for at least a month-long trial.  While I know that Mama loves me, she loves cow a whole lot too, and that was the straw that broke the proverbial camel's back.  So, she quit pumping, and I am enjoying my $50/can (that lasts two days) of hypoallergenic formula.  As it turns out, I probably don't have a cow allergy, so I should be able to consume the vast quantities of milk that Mama has stored for me in the freezer.   I will miss, however, Daddy singing his song to Mama that he made up to make her smile while she was pumping...appropriately titled "Get those boobies going...come on and make some milk!".   You should have him sing it to you sometimes, it's hilarious!

Quite the milk inventory I have waiting for me once the Doc lets me off of this nasty tasting hypoallergenic formula! 

Though Mama thought she had given herself the best presents, Daddy topped them.  The pictures here don't do it justice, but he (with the help of Gran) commissioned a large art piece depicting the 12 Labors of Hercules, along with watercolors of me with Mama & Daddy, and my birth announcement.  It is an amazingly grand piece that I will save for my entire life, and pass onto my children someday.  For now, it will go in my nursery, and Mama & Daddy will teach me all about the 12 Labors, and how I went to Hell and back in order to survive to enter this world. 

After opening presents, we all went to Morimoto Napa to celebrate with an amazing dinner.  I cannot wait to try sushi - all the colors and shapes are so amazing! 

I got to sit in my own chair at Morimoto!

Then on Saturday afternoon, we all drove to San Francisco so Mama & Daddy could go to the symphony with some friends.  They say Handel's Messaiah, which they told me is amazing, but I'm not quite old enough to go yet.  Mama played the music to me at home, and I loved being lulled to sleep, but it will be a few years before I can put on my best little dude suit and go with them.

This picture has nothing to do with this story, but Mama thought it was cute that I found myself in the mirror!
 Sunday, after a holiday brunch with friends, we returned to Napa for the annual back-to-back Chrismas present wrapping extravaganza.  Mama & Daddy have done this every year for the past 6 years, and this year I got to participate.  They wrap each other's gifts, while drinking fine Champagne and listening to Christmas songs, sitting back-to-back on the floor.  I think I may have even gotten a few gifts this year, but I can't be certain until Christmas day!

  Mama feeding me.  I love our tree...and Mama is loving the 3 dozen long stemmed roses and lilies that Daddy bought her for her birthday!

 Our family of Three!

 Daddy wrapping presents with me looking on patiently

 The back-to-back wrapping tradition continues with a new addition!

 Santa feeding his little elf!

In addition to perfecting the art of smiling, my new trick this week is that I've found my tongue.  I never knew I had one before, and it is quite intriguing.  In fact, I haven't put it back in my mouth for a few days, though we don't have a picture to prove it yet.  I've been licking my lips and pretty much anything else that comes close to my face.  I even licked Mama when she came in close for a kiss and it made her laugh out loud...which made me cry cause she scared me!   Photos to come soon of my tongue hanging favorite new body part!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The City and the Mountains

Wow!  Where to begin?   This weekend was absolutely amazing, exhausting, exhilarating, and intriguing.  If this is representative of what grown-ups do, then I cannot wait to be a grown-up! 

It all started last Thursday with Daddy's company Christmas party.  All 23 of his employees and most of their significant others showed up at the Sir Francis Drake Hotel in San Francisco for a really nice dinner (and open bar!).  I was the only little person there, and I was the hit of the show.  I had on a new (and my best) little dude outfit (see below).  Mama handed me to one of the ladies at 6:30pm, and had to find me at the end of the night close to midnight.  I had basically been loved by every woman (and some men) in the room for the entire evening.   We spent the night in a lovely hotel complete with room service for breakfast the next morning.

                                                         Me in my best little dude outfit!

                                                    Daddy with his whole C12 Company

                        The morning after the party.  Check out Daddy's leopard print robe!

                                                     Just chillin' with Mama in bed...

Straight from San Francisco we went to Tahoe.  It was my first time seeing our cabin, and it was amazing!  Grammie & Grandpa, Uncle Ben and Aunt Aubree, and Bill & Cara were there too.  It wasn't until the last day that I was alone with Mama & Daddy.  I'm so handsome and funny that everyone just wants to be around me all the time.  I have been practicing for quite some time, and I am now skilled at smiling and cooing.  It took me a long time to figure it out, but I can now do things other than being silent or screaming at the top of my lungs! 

Me with Auntie Aubree

                                 I know you can't see it well, but check out my reindeer sweater!

        Getting ready to go out on a walk.  I'm not digging my snowsuit, but Mama thinks any outfit with ears makes me look even cuter!

                                                       Me with Grammie & Grandpa

                                                   Mama and I are so cute!

                     Not sure who is more tired...Grandpa was so tired that he had to put my bouncy chair up on the couch to hold my hand...then we both passed out.   Thanks Grandpa for fetching me at 6am every morning.  Mama and Daddy were so much happier and nicer to me throughout the day since they got so much sleep!  And...sorry for the spitups and poopy diapers...I'll make it up to you some day.

                            We celebrated Mama's 34th birthday in Tahoe!  She's so old now!

 Uncle Bill loves holding me and rarely shares me with anyone else.  Check out Daddy...I guess I kept him awake the night before. 

 Bill, Cara, Mama, Daddy & Me overlooking Emerald Bay.  We went on a 4 mile hike to Cascade Falls. 
                                        Cascade lake, with Lake Tahoe in the background. 

 The best bottle I've ever had...well at least the best one down my tube!  Can you blame me for not wanting to eat when I have a view like this?

 Bill, Cara, Mama & Daddy in our jacuzzi.  I can't wait to get in it next time, but it was a little hot this time.

  I'm learning to hold my head up so well.  I like it most of the time and am quite proud of myself, but other times, I like to screatch like a little mouse just to get some extra love and attention.

                                     Mama and me in Tahoe with our matching plaid outfits.

 Mama says I look like a little old man in this photo.  Maybe I'll grow into my ears someday...

So after birthday celebrations, several cool walks, fireside stories and amazing food, we came back home today.  Not too shabby to go from Tahoe to Napa!  Then, to top off the whole experience, we went to Oxbow Market tonight to see Santa Claus!  What a cool dude, though not quite as cool as myself. 

                                                               Mama and I at Oxbow

                                      The Claus Family thought I was a pretty cool dude!

                                                       One of my best little dude outfits.

 Daddy & me at the wine bar at Oxbow.  I particularly like the scent of Cremant champagne with some Mount Tam creamy goat cheese and red pepper jam.

And, finally, a bit of perspective.  What a difference 5 months makes.  Dragon doesn't seem quite as big as he used to.  I've gone up 5 diaper sizes and he hasn't grown at all, though I'm not sure why not.  I'm now a gurgley, happy, smiley, loving, cuddly, chubby little dude, and Mama and Daddy can't believe I'm the same guy as in the previous picture.  I'm now a fabulous "pear shape" with a round little tummy, which Mama tells me is only cute on babies and is distinctly less cute as people get older.  For now though, we are relishing in my pear shape and enjoying all the new things I'm learning to do.  I can't wait until next would be hard to beat this weekend, but I'm still constantly amazed at the things we humans do!