Sunday, March 19, 2023

Declan Hercules: A very snowy winter, a visit from Granddad & Boppy, and a weekend with Gee & Granpa!


This has been a crazy wet & snowy winter!  We took advantage of it a few times and headed up to Tahoe, though we also failed twice to even get there due to the snow! I'm getting better and better at skiing and enjoying Black Diamonds pretty regularly.  Keevah is doing solid Blue runs now, which is pretty awesome - it's really fun skiing together.  Once Keevah goes home after the morning, I get to continue skiing with Dada - we even skied all the way to the cabin from the slopes once!   We loved the local tubing run, and did some sledding right by our house too.  Miraculously, no one was seriously injured! The dogs had the time of their lives, but did not love the drying off process as much as they loved the snow.m 

                               At the top of Heavenly                                    Skiing home with Dada








Haines & his family joined us for some fun in the snow too! 


And we got an awesome belated Christmas present from Gee & Grandpa

And in the most unexpected situation, it snowed in Napa!  This is the view from our front yard, looking out at the Myacamas. 

Granddad & Boppy came up for a nice weekend, and took us to Sacramento.  We enjoyed the Capital, the park, and the Railroad Museum.  Granddad LOVES trains, so it was really fun checking out the engines together.  We spent the night with them in a hotel and got spoiled with some candy and treats in Old Sac.  

Mama just started her own new business with her partner Dr. Lois!  They've been working on this for a year and just saw their first patients 2 weeks ago.  She's already happier than at her last job, and it's been fun for the family too.  I spent a whole day helping assemble furniture and hanging up some art! 

Keevah had a fun hip hop birthday party with some girlfriends! 

We spent a weekend in Elk Grove with Gee & Grandpa when Dada was away on a work trip. We always love going there and exploring all the treasures in the Game Room.  This time, Keevah won the big jackpot lottery on the slot machine that used to belong to Great Papa!  Mama had never even heard the bells go off before! We busted out Mama's old trombone and the three generations of ladies each took their turns.  Atlas was terrified of the instrument.  I also brought my Oculus virtual reality headset to show Gee & Grandpa.  Let's just say it was hilarious! Keevah also pushed me around in the old baby buggy that Gee used 45 years ago for Mama & Uncle Ben.  

Didn't do much for Valentine's Day, but Mama got creative with Keevah's hair, and made a Taco Bear for dinner. 

Keevah got really into Groundhog Day this year, it was pretty hilarious! 

Keevah makes us bust these out once in awhile...she loves our dragon family!

Fancy dinner out when we failed to make it up to Tahoe. 

         I love my baguette pillow and tortilla blanket                Keevah dressed as 100 years old lady

rainy day hike in Napa
Made a chocolate cake for Gee's birthday

keevah got glasses too

Fancy dinner out in Tahoe

snuggles with Dada

Our play to get a family movie! 

Beautiful sunset from our deck

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