Friday, October 22, 2021

Keevah Nyx: Back in school, Camping, Disneyland & a balloon ride!


School is fully underway, and I'm LOVING Kindergarten.  It's so fun to play with friends every day, and I really like my teacher as well.  I'm getting better and better at my letters and starting to sound out words too!  I'm still in Taekwondo three times a week, and I've also started Horseback riding.  I successfully argued my case that I cannot be a horseback rider when I grow up if I don't get to take lessons now!  

Declan is enjoying Fourth grade, though apparently finds it "too easy" - which is good and bad.  He is still taking piano and fencing lessons twice a week.  He also just started playing the cello!  The only instrument larger than the trombone Mama used to play.  

Several weeks ago, we enjoyed a quick weekend camping trip in the Anderson Vally, on the banks of the Navarro River.  Spirit got to come with us, but Chaos is too chaotic to go camping.   We got absolutely filthy, but had a great time driving the ATV around the vineyard, hiking in Hendy Woods, and cooking in the firepit.  We also spent time picking four leaf clovers and an afternoon at the beach checking out the tidepools. 

Also right at the beginning of school, we unexpectedly lost our nanny, but the good news was that Gran got to come out from Pennsylvania for a week to help out!

After about 6 weeks in school, Mama had a conference in Los Angeles.  We got to go with her and hung out with Granddad and Boppy in Pasadena few a few days.  Boppy and Dada took us to the Huntington Gardens, and we enjoyed seeing the new recreation of the famous "Blue Boy" painting.  

When she was done with the conference, we got to go to Disneyland for a few days.  There were definitely more people there than expected, but we still had a great time.  My favorite rides were the Haunted Mansion and the Rise of the Resistance, and Declan loved the Matterhorn again (and Grizzly River Run).   Mama and Dada enjoyed dinner at the end of the day at Napa Rose, while we both fell asleep!   I convinced Dada (though it wasn't hard) to get me a Rey costume from Star Wars. I wore it both days in the park - and felt quite at home in Star Wars land!  Dada even tried sacrificing me to Kylo Ren at some point! 

I didn't get to go since I'm not quite tall enough, but Declan, Mama & Dada got to go on a hot air balloon ride last weekend.  It was supposed to happen in July for Declan's 10th birthday, but it got cancelled since there was no wind.  Anyway - they had a spectacular time - check out the pics.  

Now we're getting in the Halloween Spirit.  Stay tuned for pics from Halloween !

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