Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Keevah Nyx: New Year's in Kauai

Na Pali Coast Hike
I'm the luckiest girl in the world!  I've been to Hawaii twice now (three times if you count when I was in Mama's belly!)!  Gee & Grandpa took us to Kauai, and we left right after Christmas for almost 2 weeks.  I love those islands, particularly the part where I eat a ton of sand.  I was a super good girl on the airplane, only climbing into adjacent rows a few times to say hello to my fellow passengers. 

Waiting for the plane
We spent the first four days with just my Mama, Dada and my "Deccan" in Princeville & Hanalei on the North Shore.  We hiked a lot, and I enjoyed the benefit of being carried in Dada's backpack...unfortunately poor Deccan had to walk the whole time, though he did pretty good.  I hope they still carry me when I'm 6!  We had plenty of beach time at our very own "Secret Beach", literally at the end of the road...and with not a single other person there.  We did sand sculpting, leaf races, and explored "Dinosaur Land"...Deccan's name for the lush jungle surrounding our special beach. It was so great that we went back for a second day!

Hanalei Beach
A perfect hike
I was so cozy and sleepy
Leaf race at Secret Beach
Mama's dolphin sand sculpture (before the dorsal fin addition, and before I smashed it)

No one else in sight...
I'm so pretty!
Dada and Declan swimming at Hideaway Beach
Rope swing at Secret Beach - I loved it! ...and kept saying "Again again!"
Even Mama (and her healing boobie) got into the action
Exploring Dinosaur Land
I got the good seat! With Dada & Deccan on the Na Pali Coast
Deccan and Mama hiking
Hanalei Beach
Shaved ice!  Not fair that I slept through the whole thing!

We also enjoyed Hideaway Beach and Hanalei Bay.   We enjoyed dinners eating in our condo after buying fresh caught fish from our special Dolphin Fish Market, a little hole-in-the-wall place we've used before.  

After four fun-filled days, we drove to Poipu on the South Shore to meet up with Gee & Grandpa for another week.   We snorkeled at Salt Pond, visited Glass Beach, had plenty of pool and 'cuzi' time,  and did body-boarding at Poipu Beach. I got braver and braver with each day at the beach, and even had fun being pulled around on the body board.  Everyone except Gee & me got to go zip-lining.  Deccan came back with amazing stories of grand views and zooming down the lines...he even did it by himself!  

With Gee & Grandpa at our condo in Poipu
Declan & Grandpa
Declan holding an OCTOPUS!  (A snorkeling dude found it and let brother hold it for a bit before releasing it...No one let ME hold it - something about me maybe squishing it too hard...)

Digging my hole to China
My special ride! Giddy-up Dada

I can't wait to boogie board with Declan and Dada next year!

And I want to snorkel with them too!  Declan said the fishies were awesome!

Two at a time...
Three at a time...
Four at a time...didn't work...we crashed immediately...whoops! At least I like water! 
An evening stroll with Gee & Grandpa
Declan stacking rocks.
Love my Grandpa!
Love my Gee! 
Declan & Dada deep in conversation
Hello world!
Me wearing Mama's dress from 1978
Love my Mama! 
Declan's special "bear cave"
Declan and Grandpa exploring the caves...
Mama made us a T-Rex
The whole gang
Doing a silly dance with Grandpa

Tandem zipline with Mama
Declan getting all hooked up

We rang in 2018 with a special dinner at Red Salt, and I was a super good girl.  I even fell asleep in Mama's arms for the first time in over a year!   Gee & Grandpa also surprised us with a Luau visit - I was completely glued to all the dancers, clapped enthusiastically for every performance, and did my best to dance along with them!

All dressed up for New Year's Eve dinner
Happy New Year!
I celebrated by passing out at dinner
A special Luau - Declan got to drum!

Family matching!

I was sad to leave Kauai, but I got to start school for the first time ever when we got back.  I can't wait to tell you about it in the next post.  (spoiler alert:  I haven't gotten kicked out yet, so it's a massive success!).