Monday, October 31, 2016

Declan Hercules: Teaching Sissy Nyx about the Great Pumpkin!

While I love all holidays, Halloween is probably my favorite.
I've waited all year to go back to the pumpkin patch - I especially love the big slide through the haystack pyramid.  This year I got to bring Keevah Nyx for the first time! She was too little to enjoy the slide, but she had fun eating hay and licking the pumpkins.  I don't think she really gets how exciting this season is yet, so I'm trying to teach her.  After the pumpkin patch, we had fun decorating our yard - skeleton bones included.  I had fun arranging the bones, and Sister had fun putting them in her mouth!  

Keevah Nyx waiting for the Great Pumpkin
Cutest pumpkin in the patch

Whoa! This one's heavy!
Vroom vroom
Say "pumpkin"!

We gave Mama a hard time trying to get a good picture of both of us - this is me not looking at the camera, and Nyx eating the pumpkin stem

...and Nyx and I falling over...
...finally the ONLY photo with both of us (kind of) looking

top of the Hay pyramid

In the hay maze

playing with the decorations.

...she's a witch!

Helping Dada hang the cobwebs and spiders

Nyx chewing on the skeleton
Two little skeletons

Did you know that pumpkins float??
Nyx knows how to stand and hold on with only one hand!

Carving the pumpkins was also fun. This year, I finally helped get the guts out - I have a mild aversion to getting my hands dirty since I know Mama will make me wash them.  Mama drew a bat pattern and then I carved the whole thing by myself - can you believe they let me use a knife?  

Getting the guts out first. 

sister will put ANYTHING in her mouth

...the hazards of having an older brother

She probably won't fit inside a pumpkin again

Dada helping me carve our bat pumpkin...

...while Nyx enjoys the guts...

It was a messy day

Finally a nap after all that fun. 
 I have waited patiently since November 1st of last year to bring my new costume concept to fruition. In case you forgot, I love fans.  2 years ago, I was a box fan for Halloween, and last year I was a wind turbine.  This year I decided to be a.....CEILING FAN!  I announced this to Mama on Nov 1st last year when she hopefully asked me if I wanted to be a ghost next Halloween.  I followed this up with the statement that it needs to spin, otherwise it would be a "broken fan".  So, Mama thought and thought and thought about how to make blades that spin...and finally woke up in the middle of the night two months ago with a brilliant idea of using a lazy susan base.  We went straight to work with a metal drill bit to attach the fan blades and shoulder straps...and voila! My costume was done!
Keevah Nyx is going as a velociraptor since she sounds like a baby dinosaur with all her shrieking!
My awesome ceiling fan costume

watch how it spins!

with Mama and Raptor girl

playing games at my school harvest carnival - I can't get too close to anyone or anything!
trying to get close enough to make my candy apple

watching Charlie Brown and the Great Pumpkin
Some funny side notes: 

This is me 4.5 years ago

This exactly the same age

I made an electric motor with Dada!!

sister has a very strange peg-legged crawl

Mama left the shower door open while the water was warming up, and guess who crawled in??

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